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  > DaOpa's Tabula Rasa Forum
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      > So, what's next ? (endgame and a passkey)
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topleft icon So, what's next ? (endgame and a passkey) topright icon
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10 November 2007

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01 July 2005
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Status:Anonymous - Offline
Posted on 24 November 2007 at 05:54:19 
I't quite interested in trying out TB, though i'm quite sceptical about it.
Can anyone tell me what is the games longtimes potential? What happens when you reach Tier 4? Haven't played any other MMORPGs except WoW (RTS fan myself) but i know WoW in a way just begins when you reach the maximum level.

So, what happens in the game once you finish their "story"?

Also i would apreciate if if someone told me where i can DL the game and if someone would be kind enouth to present me with a "trial password".

Thank you very much in advance.

P.S. - the e-mail is project.ronnie@gmail.com
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Profile - Anonymous

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 24 November 2007 at 06:00:29 
Hey, it's me again (the OP). As i've viewed more vids of the game i think it's quite interesting. Still, i can't make the decision if to buy TB or renew my WoW account and get ready for their next expansion.

So if anyone can share in a way their experience of the game (about endgame, PvP etc) and share a passkey it would be great.

Thanks again in advance.
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Profile - Anonymous

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 27 November 2007 at 16:28:02 
The next WoW expansion is one year away...
Plenty of time for you to try (and no doubt enjoy) Tabula Rasa...

As for what happens when you hit max level... TR is one month old... give it a chance will ya?
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Profile - Anonymous

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27 November 2007

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Status:Kurtan - Offline
Posted on 27 November 2007 at 18:49:14 
Currently there isn't any end game, they are however working on that portion as we speak.

What they have planned is not PVE endgame but PVP, think of it more like Lineage 2 with Castle Seiges, Except you will hold a base and it can be under attack constantly.
Also you get bonus's for winning wargames (clan pvp) and that can boost your clan all around, so pvp is the end game.

I keep telling my clannies that this game, during the development and now, reminds me of Lineage 2 and how it grew into a great game.
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Profile - Kurtan

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 27 November 2007 at 19:54:41 
Told :

Posted on 24 November 2007 at 06:00:29

I was in WoW endgame with 2 lvl 70s, found it too time consuming/boring to proceed and went looking for something else. After a few yawners, I'm sticking with TR. The Gameplay is MUCH faster paced than WoW, controlled via a hybrid of the MMORPG and FPS styles. The UI and control style isn't too hard to get used to and it's difficult to be bored. True, I've only just started TR and it still has the "new car smell", but thinking back I can easily say discovering TR is more fun than discovering new WoW areas was and the TR NPCs do a much better job of bringing you into the atmosphere. (I love how the profanity filter kicks in on NPCs more often than players!)
Sometimes you do need to be patient as there still are a few glitches, the game is only 1 month old, but these are being addressed very quickly and they are doing a MUCH better job in this area than Blizzard EVER did.
Stop paying your WoW monthly sub, your chars will be put on hold until you start paying again.
Buy TR and play. See if you ever go back.
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Profile - Anonymous

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10 November 2007

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Posted on 28 November 2007 at 16:21:10 
When considering WoW vs Tabula Rasa, just remember that TR is a very new game. When WoW was released it didn't have any end game either (I think Scholomance was the highest instance)
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Profile - Anonymous

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25 December 2004

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Status:Magi - Offline
Posted on 28 November 2007 at 16:50:16 
Modified on 28 November 2007 at 19:25:38

Elder Games & PAU Article

This was posted Pre-Launch, but since it looks like many people missed it - here it is again !

Time for another quick, or not so quick update. Right now, the team is
working hard getting the game ready for the next patch. I think balance has
greatly improved, and a lot of the features that have been implemented are
excellent additions to the game. You will see those on Tuesday and we look
forward to hearing your feedback.

As we move closer to launch, some may think that now would be a good time to
finally relax after months of crunch, but that’s not what making an MMO is
about. So the question “what’s in store for the upper level player?” has
come up, and I thought I would share a sneak peek of some of our plans. Some of
these will come sooner rather than later and as with any development, nothing is
set in stone and our plans could and will invariably change. Still, here are
just a few of the features we are working on:

  • Personal Armor Units (PAU’s): When players get to level
    40, they won’t just get a pony! Promotion to Level 40 comes with the
    option to train for certification in the PAU. Each PAU will have bonuses
    such as movement, more firepower, and different abilities per type. Each
    type is unique to the military career the player has selected. When
    visualizing the PAU, visualize the AFS Mech, although each will be very
    different… and may not necessarily be a

    Sneak peek: PAU for the Grenadier: Grendel – The
    surprisingly nimble Grendel, has two machine gun turrets on each arm,
    providing a cone of doom a short distance in front of the Grendel. More
    impressive is the Hornet’s Nest capability of the Grendel, which when
    unleashed uses the remaining power of the user to determine the number of
    rockets unleashed on the opposing forces but does massive damage to
    surrounding units.

  • Command Opportunity: When you climb the ranks to level
    50, you need someone to order around. Command Opportunity is the privilege
    the AFS commander has to control their own subordinate squad of NPCs. Teach
    them, outfit them, and give them commands on the battlefield. The more
    successful you are with your squad, the bigger and better your squad will
    become, granting you Command Points.
  • Flashpoints: The Neph generals aren’t happy with the
    setbacks in their bid to rid the universe of Eloh manipulation, therefore
    they have begun attacks on various worlds. Each Flashpoint will require
    multiple squads to solve. Certain objectives will need to be done
    simultaneously to fight back the Bane and each objective will require a
    dedicated squad that is at their best. Conquer flashpoints with squads
    formed of all players, or have a few players that have NPC squads at their
  • Clan Warfare: Clans will gain their own abilities for
    their members over time, meaning the leader will be able to select a passive
    buff that all members of the clan will have. This buff will grow in strength
    the larger the clan. Clans who go to war can wager these buffs and loot in
    clan wars. Eventually, clans will be able to lay claim to Control Points
    fighting off rival clans, and earning bonuses while they control them. There
    will even be AFS sanctioned Rivalry Zones where players have strategic
    objectives to fight over such as Capture the Flag, and Hold the Location.

These are just a few of the things that the team will start working on after
ship. (Which essentially means we are working on them now.) It is going to be an
exciting next few months as we launch the game and watch how the game grows. As
always your feedback is very welcome and encouraged via our feedback form.

Paul Sage
Lead Developer

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