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Troop Stats
Posted on 15 September 2008 at 14:44:03 by Magi.
Details on stats for troop cards
Troop StatsCommand Points (CP): How many CP are used per troop.
Attack Rating (AR): Determines the likelihood of each attack the troop makessuccessfully hitting its target.
Defense Rating (DR): Determines the likelihood of a troop successfully defendingagainst an attack. In battle, you will see DR(m) and DR(r) for defense against Melee andRanged attacks, respectively.
Hit Points (HP): The amount of life a troop has. More HP means a troop can takemore damage before either being wounded or dying.
Damage: The range of damage in hit points that a successful attack will inflict.
Range: The maximum distance at which a ranged unit is able to attack.
Stamina: Determines how long a troop can run or fight without slowing.
Speed: Determines the speed at which the troop moves.
Morale: Determines the likelihood of a troop fleeing battle, beyond a commander’scontrol (See Morale).
Strikes per Attack (S/A): Number of targets potentially affected by each attack thetroop makes.
Attacks per Second (Att/S): Describes the frequency of attack for the troop.
Resurrection cost (Res): The amount of god favor you would spend to resurrectthe unit from your graveyard when it is dead.
AR vs. DR
In combat, a successful attack against an enemy unit is determined by AR and DRvalues. The attacker’s AR value will be added to a random number between 1 and 50.The defender’s DR value will also be aded to a random number between 1 and 50. If theattacker’s total is higher than the defender’s total, the attack is successful.Also, all attacks that receive a random number of 46 or greater will automatically succeedin their attack, even if the defender’s number is greater. In this way, even comparativelyweak units have a 10% chance of successfully dealing damage.
Morale can have an enormous effect on a battle’s outcome. When units are flanked(surrounded by enemy units), when they have sustained high amounts of damage orwhen they are alone without allies nearby them, there is an ever-increasing chance thatthey will flee from battle, regardless of orders. When the pink morale bar on the unitbanner is depleted, the unit will flee.
1 Comment |
Posted on 08 February 2009 at 06:03:10 by Magi.