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New World game XP Charts 28 September 2021
Latest Fallout 76 Perk Card Updates 12 October 2018
Portals Update 01 October 2008
Business Section - Completed 21 November 2006
Online Stores Section - Added 12 November 2006
Site Currently Being Updated 16 September 2006
New Sections are under dev 10 August 2006
Site Updated - Game Portals 28 May 2006
Site Updated / Menus 22 March 2006
Site Code Updated to SP3 13 October 2005
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Latest Fallout 76 Perk Card Updates Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 12 October 2018 at 23:27:35 by DaOpa. | Print News Share

Check out the latest information for perk cards from Fallout 76. We have search through hours of footage to bring together all the information on the various perk cards. This isn't the completed perk card deck but shows a good portion of cards to get a feel for how the special system works. The information is sourced from one of our partner blog websites. This will be updated as more perks are discovered thru the betas.


- Perk Card lists

Table of Contents

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Portals Update Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 01 October 2008 at 14:09:51 by Magi. | Print News Share

Many portals have been added since last news post.

New Portals Include:

DaOpa's Age of Conan FanSite - featuring combos, skills, fatalities, spells databases

Online Stores DB - Online Stores Database Site, listed on the database are affiliated online stores & service sites.

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Business Section - Completed Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 21 November 2006 at 15:38:32 by Magi. | Print News Share

Business Section of the site has been completed, features categorys with links to products.

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Online Stores Section - Added Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 12 November 2006 at 16:56:46 by Magi. | Print News Share

The online stores section of the site has been added, the basic functionality is in play, most of the merchants have been added.

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Site Currently Being Updated Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 16 September 2006 at 02:59:32 by Magi. | Print News Share

Site Currently Being Updated - Some items may not be functional at the current state

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New Sections are under dev Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 10 August 2006 at 18:02:01 by Magi. | Print News Share

Updating old ellath.com to the new portal code is underway .. more changes ... and alot of work!

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Site Updated - Game Portals Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 28 May 2006 at 14:35:41 by Magi. | Print News Share

Game Portals are functional, site updated from previous verison to new standard

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Site Updated / Menus Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 22 March 2006 at 09:31:49 by Magi. | Print News Share

Menus have been updated, new cats are up!

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Site Code Updated to SP3 Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 13 October 2005 at 18:36:39 by Magi. | Print News Share

Site Code Updated to SP3

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New World game XP Charts | Tacked Minimize
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Site News
Posted on 28 September 2021 at 10:33:49 by DaOpa. | Print News Share

Experience point charts showing you how much you need to kill, craft and gather to gain levels in the various skills and crafts from New World MMO.

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