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Posted on 13 February 2009 at 23:41:19 by 1george.
Geia sou, ti kaneis?
Posted on 22 May 2009 at 21:04:25 by DaOpa.
kala ese?!
Posted on 31 January 2010 at 23:34:20 by FoxShaman.
Update for your database...........Level 6 WH id is J104632..........copied your posting and updated it as to what we have found so far.
Rarified Core Deposit - Exploration Site Database Scan Group: Cosmic Signature Group: Gravimetric Sec Rating: Wormhole
Notes: Information Although abundant supplies of fullerenes were the darling discovery of the new wormhole regions, the influx of access to more raw minerals was not something that went unnoticed either. For many years, experts had postulated that the current supply in known space was beginning to fall slightly behind demand. Fortunately for all parties involved, the discovery of vast ore deposits in these far-flung, unknown areas ensured that such an event would not happen in the foreseeable future.
No data available, please send ingame intel to DaOpa
Notes The approx ore values change depending on the Class of the system. Class 1 - Smallest Class 6 -
1 Arkonor (50 k) 1 Bistot (80 k) 1 Crokite (80 k) 1 Dark Ochre (100 k) 1 Gneiss (100 k) 2 Hedbergite (150 k) 3 Hemorphite (100 k) 4 Kernite (150 k) 1 Mercoxit (15 k) 3 Omber (200 k) 1 Pyroxeres (80 k) 1 Spudumain (200 k) Using Capital ships on these sites do NOT spawn additional npc ships.
Additional rocks will spawn in over the lifetime of the field.
Average lifetime of a asteroid field is 3-5 days.
1 Awakened Sentinal BattleShip 2 Cruisers