In many ways Arieki is very different from Foreas. This harsh, volcanic world stuns many Humans who experience it for the first time, especially if they are coming from the beautiful, lush Foreas. Large areas of Arieki are very barren and rugged, pockmarked with numerous active volcanoes and volcanic fissures. In fact, much of the surface is geologically active in one form or another; a Volcanologist would be in heaven on Arieki. Aside from the massive stratovolcanos, visitors may find hydrothermal vents, subterranean lava flows, and burning pits of liquid (tar or other flammable material),

The sky takes on a sickly greenish hue in the daytime; however, ground visibility can be extremely limited due to dense atmosphere close to the ground, permeated with constant falls of ash and other expelled materials. Clouds of toxic gas sweep the landscape and powerfully violent electrical storms are a constant danger. A particular metal ore infused in the planet’s crust, nicknamed “fluxite”, seems to be the root cause of the numerous electrical storms. It has also been discovered that the Bane use this ore to amplify the intensity of their energy weapons.
Despite the toxicity of the planet, there is more than enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain life on many levels, and certain life forms simply thrive in this environment. The flora is generally scrubby, thorny and sharply contoured. Arieki’s native creatures are tough, squat creatures and mostly insect-like. While they have an interesting capacity of taking on the destructive qualities of the environment around them, Arieki’s flora and fauna represent a remarkable display of persistent life. However, planetary scientists believe that life did not evolve naturally on Arieki; early analysis revealed a massive impact crater from a comet, pegging this event as the turning point in Arieki’s evolutionary track.
The sentient race currently inhabiting Arieki wasn’t native to the planet either. The Brann contingent was transported from Arieki’s sister planet, Erdas, some years before… as a penal colony. The Erdas leadership sent thousands of Brann to Arieki as punishment for various crimes; some are petty criminals, convicted of “white-collar” crimes, while others belong to massive hard-core crime syndicates. Unfortunately, these two major groups, the Reformists and the Syndicates, represent all that remains of the Brann after the Bane overran Erdas and slaughtered the planet’s population.

As the Humans begin to ally themselves with the remaining Brann, the Bane have finally cast their eyes upon Arieki as well. There are rumors of an Eloh refugee amongst the Brann, and it’s more than likely the Bane have uncovered this very same rumor as well. The Brann have also been at constant struggle with the Atta, an indigenous species of multi-legged ant-like creatures that previously sat atop the planet’s food chain. Humans will have to navigate their way through the various Brann groups and sub-groups when battling the Bane, and sometimes there are no easy choices…
Arieki’s two most accessible landmasses that AFS members currently need to know about are Torden and Ligo. Torden, which means “Thunder”, is a large region located to the west of the immense volcano, Mount Moeru. Large regions of Torden are actively volcanic, featuring various magma fissures, burning lakes, tar pits, earthquakes and dangerous electrical storms. In the areas that are less active, life has managed to flourish. AFS members should take careful note of Ligo as well, located near one of Arieki’s magnetic poles. At night, a luminous ribbon of aurora continually lights the sky, and is plainly visible through clouds. The topography and geology of Ligo is similar to Torden in many respects; the central region features a massive rift, with areas of wide, fast-moving flows of lava and desert-like plains strewn with volcanic rock. The Bane have several footholds on Arieki in both landmasses, and it will take a concerted effort to turn the tide on this world. Cartographers spread each landmass into a number of geographical regions, six of which are readily accessible.

The region known as the Torden Plains is the where the base of human operations on Arieki is situated. Here new arrivals become familiar with this new, intimately more hostile environment in full force. Facilities include Fort Irendas (the main human habitation) and the former Irendas penal colony and support infrastructure, massive self-sustaining constructs that hint at the Brann’s technological achievements. The Bane maintain a presence, though it is not particularly strong. North of the Plains lies the Torden Incline, geologically unusual in that it’s not nearly as active as the bulk of the planet. In comparison to the rest of Arieki, the Incline is ecologically diverse, with numerous species of plant life, and it serves as a natural habitat for the Atta. The Bane presence on Torden is strongest in the Torden Mires, in the southwestern area of the region. As the name suggests, the Mires feature numerous burning lakes, tar pits and superheated mudflows, and a thick toxic smoke hugs the terrain. Because the Mires make it entirely easy to mine fluxite ore, this particular region is especially valuable to the Bane operations on Arieki.
In the southernmost section of Ligo lies a region known as the Crucible, where lava flows down huge shelves that descend from west to east. The Brann maintain a communication tower in Crucible and is thus strategically important for the AFS, though the Bane wiped out the recent Human base at Fort Intrepid in a surprise attack. Far to the north is the Ashen Desert, a somewhat barren and at times rocky region that harbors some plant life. The Humans and Brann settlements in this region are recovering from a recent volcanic eruption. The Bane have an active interest in this region, though the specific reason is unknown. The Ligo Thunderhead is centrally located on this landmass, marked by an enormous tectonic rift that runs east to west through the area. Here the Bane are the strongest, planning their next strategic moves and conducting numerous scientific experiments.
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