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  > Legends of Might & Magic - Clan RD Site
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      > Another RD clan match
Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | New 10
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1 Author Message

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magic cool
Rookie Rookie

02 January 2003

Last Visit:
02 September 2005
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Status:magic cool - Offline
Posted on 28 July 2003 at 17:22:38 
RD has clan match vs SA on august 9th at 1:00pm eastern time if u are in the line up i have emailed the password for match to u if not u will have to come talk to me my aim is RadicalCDude so u can contact me there and here is the line up

(RD)99 barbarians{G}

and the back ups are

(RD)mega man

plz email me back if u can or can’t make it to the match
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