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  > DaOpa's Tabula Rasa Forum
Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | New 10
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  Title Subjects Messages Moderators Last message
visit icon  General Disussion
 General Disussion on Tabula Rasa.
109 170 - Magi So I went back into TR to check out the...
16/02/2009 01:07:55
visit icon  Guides & Information
 Guides & Information for new players
29 94 - Magi Boss NPC DB was updated with most of all...
19/02/2008 05:57:43
visit icon  Soldier Branch
 Soldier Branch, talk about weapons, skills, abilities
6 7 - Magi Guardian Video Clip .. I found this on Utube...
20/09/2008 02:41:43
visit icon  Specialist Branch
 Specialist Branch, talk about weapons, skills, abilities
4 9 - Anonymous Viral conversion is awesome. Injector guns...
09/01/2008 01:22:49
visit icon  Open Chat
 Talk about anything!
12 21 - Magi Tabula Rasa - Stalker Hunt (Avager) Man...
20/09/2008 02:44:52
visit icon  Tech Support / Server Issues
 Tech Support / Server Issues
11 24 - Magi SO basically everytime you open up Tabula...
23/02/2008 00:32:04
visit icon  Events
 Special Events of Tabula Rasa
10 7 - DaOpa The Allied Free Sentients Thank You For...
25/10/2008 04:00:05
visit icon  Game Bugs / Issues
 Note current game bugs & Issues here
19 15 - hari001 Hi, Hello everyone. I wish you all very...
01/01/2009 05:19:37
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