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      > the internet is undergoing a revolutionary change
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1 Author Message

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Novice Novice

22 January 2007

Last Visit:
23 January 2007
Greece Greece
Status:susanna - Offline
Posted on 22 January 2007 at 12:57:42 
Modified on 04 July 2009 at 00:34:05

Hi everyone.(prokete yia megali efkeria - horis risko- efkolo)
I have read quite a few sites and blogs talking about agloco (a global community).They want to revolutionize the internet use.
This company is actually giving away shares (for a limited time)of its company. Their concept is that without the millions of users, the internet wouldnt exist and wouldnt be the incredible tool it is today. Gamers, Myspace, Youtube, all have millions of people daily going through - but not one of the users earns any money for supporting these sites, while a very small number of shareholders have gone wealthy beyond their dreams in this business.
If you sign up for agloco shares, you actually get paid for up to 5 hours a month of internet search/use through their viewbar - no spyware, no hitches, no tricks, no money. The company is going public in february. You will actually have shares in the viewbar.
sign up is free and if you bring others to sign up, you get paid for them as well. People have been signing up hundreds worldwide.
dont lose this chance. The more you sign on, the more money you make.
lets get all of greece on agloco and we will all make money.
Look at the worst side- if it doesnt work, you dont lose a thing. If it does work - you make instant money and your shares will be worth alot. the websites say that they are going on the London stock exchange now. greeks worldwide are on the internet, lets get paid!!!
dont miss
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Profile - susanna

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Novice Novice

22 January 2007

Last Visit:
23 January 2007
Greece Greece
Status:susanna - Offline
Posted on 03 July 2009 at 17:34:09 
Modified on 03 July 2009 at 17:34:42

Agloco is a crap and I dont think it is fair to have the post here. Agloco cheated lakhs of users promising them great return. It cracked even before it was launched.
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Profile - susanna

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Novice Novice

22 January 2007

Last Visit:
23 January 2007
Greece Greece
Status:susanna - Offline
Posted on 06 July 2009 at 12:11:44 
Modified on 06 July 2009 at 12:16:07

You are right. I did have over 1000 members behind me for agloco and I lost all my hard work. Well there are many working solutions though.
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Profile - susanna
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