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Websites > Greek Links > Greek Artists Sites > Z - Last Name Starts with Z > Zagoreos, Spiros
Zagoreos, Spiros
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Title E de la Magen - CD
Description E de la magen
Dolce vita(glikia zoi)
Pata pata
Se goustaro
Kardia mou kaimeni(folk song)
Siko fige
Kanavouries(valte mou dio garifala)
O eroas ke o Tzogos
Nikos T'omorfopedo
Mori ziliara ke treli
Mia megali agapi esvise
Tha figo plousios
Anapse to tsigaro
Eho ena meraki
Fevgi to treno
Hits 39
Category Zagoreos, Spiros
URL http://www.greekshops.com/detail.aspx?ProdID=5202846536520&RefID=377
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