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DaOpa's Tabula Rasa FanSite News

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Ressurection of Tabula Rasa ( supported by Richard Garriot Himself ) - 05 June 2013
Tabula Rasa - Shut Down - 01 March 2009
Tabula Rasa will be shutting down - 31 December 2008
Deployment 13.4 - 16 October 2008
Deployment 12.5 - Live - 18 September 2008
Dev Corner: Tabula Rasa's Newest Deployment - 19 August 2008
Deployment 10 - Patch Notes - 23 July 2008
PvP Singles Tournament on May 24th - 15 May 2008
Operation: It's Raining Bane - Hallelujah - 14 May 2008
Abilities DB / Crafting DB Updates - 04 May 2008
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Ressurection of Tabula Rasa ( supported by Richard Garriot Himself ) Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 05 June 2013 at 18:19:30 by TilenFirman. | Print News Send To Friend


Tabula Rasa news :

Richard Garriot officialy announced support to my petition. Together we can drag NCsoft to open and face them with truth. The truth is that people all around the world are WILLING and WANTING to play this game. With Your help I can get those votes I need. Together we will suceed , I ask for Your support. Together we can revive this game. This game deserves to be one F2P even if it is long dead it still far away from being forgoten - something legendary cannot die, it can only lay dormant.

Here is His link supporting the petition via Twitter :


Thank You in advance , Tilen Firman

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Tabula Rasa - Shut Down Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 01 March 2009 at 05:00:00 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Tabula Rasa Game Servers have been shutdown

The last transmission::

As we return to Earth, our battle comes to an end. Thank you to all the fans who have supported us for the last few years! We hope you have enjoyed your journey through the galaxy and that the next worlds you visit will be filled with excitement and fun.

We'd like to extend a special thanks to our community - fansite administrators, forum administrators, and friends - for it is your passion and commitment that drives us to keep creating new and unique games. With every ending comes a new beginning, a clean slate, and a new story to be written. Thank you from all of us on the Tabula Rasa team, past and present.

### end of transmission ###


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Tabula Rasa will be shutting down Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 31 December 2008 at 05:00:00 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Tabula Rasa will be shutting down

On February 28, 2009, Tabula Rasa will be shutting down its servers, and as of January 10, 2009, the game will be free to play.

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Deployment 13.4 Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 16 October 2008 at 00:18:04 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Deployment 13 is on Live!

It features the new Crafting System, our Series 3 Laser Pistols, purchasable tabs for your AFS Footlocker, the new map and radar style, and much much more. But see for yourselves below!

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Deployment 12.5 - Live Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 18 September 2008 at 04:00:00 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Deployment 12 is on Live! It features a new version of the tier selection
process, our Series 2 Physical Chaingun and Laser Pistol, our level 50
"Omega Labs" instance located in the Abyss, and much much more. But
see for yourselves below!

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Dev Corner: Tabula Rasa's Newest Deployment Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 19 August 2008 at 16:58:41 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Dev Corner: Tabula Rasa's Newest Deployment

Starr Long, the Producer of Tabula Rasa® at NCsoft® North America, talks about the newest changes to the game with Deployment 11 and the impact of Operation Immortality™.

Take a look here:

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Deployment 10 - Patch Notes Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 23 July 2008 at 16:51:10 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Deployment 10 - Patch Notes - Tabula Rasa

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PvP Singles Tournament on May 24th Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 15 May 2008 at 01:36:29 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

PvP Singles Tournament on May 24th - All Levels Invited!

Sponsored by Warlords of Exodus

PvP Singles Tournament on May 24th

Greetings Tabula Community!

In correlation with DEV Critters, Warlords of Exodus is hosting a live event for all levels to participate! The event is to take place at the Geodesic sphere at Retread City in the Marshes. We will be having a PvP Singles event for all levels. We will be matching opponents by their level and profession to avoid our players from fighting classes in their own skill tree. This system will provide a diverse matching schedule, and also allow all levels to fight their own caliber as long as possible. We want to encourage PvP in a productive manor to make our patrons return for our next event!

Since all the levels are involved in the same category, the level 50s will eventually prevail, but our clan will be observing the heavy hitters from each class with specially crafted purple items, and other forms of GM loot!. So even if you’re not the top dog, there’s something to be found here for everyone!

There is not a formal sign up at the moment, just plan to show up and we'll be there. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post on the Official PvP Singles Tournament Thread.

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Operation: It's Raining Bane - Hallelujah Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 14 May 2008 at 23:56:26 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Operation: It's Raining Bane - Hallelujah

Sponsored by the 47th AFSEF

Bane Attack

What: A GM-supported mission event sponsored by the 47th AFSEF
When: Sunday May 18, 2008, 18:00 PDT (GMT -7)
Where: Cassiopeia Server, Torden Mires, Baylor Base
Who: All are invited!

Come join the 47th AFSEF in an evening of fun, mayhem, killing, and a
lot of running around in Mires, defending bases, assaulting bases,
looking for shadowy figures with secrets to hide, and of course, wave
after wave of high-level Bane troops to test your mettle!

For more information about the event, please see

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Abilities DB / Crafting DB Updates Minimize
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Tabula Rasa FanSite News
Posted on 04 May 2008 at 05:45:11 by Magi. | Print News Send To Friend

Abilities & Crafting DB sections have been both updated.

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