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Hunter Pets / Companions - Video & Images

Welcome to our hunter pet database for World of Warcraft. Use this section to look up all the various hunter pets you can get in the game.
All Hunter Pets
Balanced Pets
Carrion - Dragonhawk
Hyena - Wolf
Serpent - Sporebat
Tank Pets
Bear - Boar - Crab
Crocolisk - Gorilla - Scorpid  
Netherray - Tallstrider
Turtle - Warpstalker
DPS Pets
Bat - Cat - Owl
Raptor - Ravager
Spider - Windserpent
Pets by Zone

Hunter Pets:

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Fen Ray  Fen Ray  64 Elite  The Underbog 
Feng  Feng  60  Hellfire Peninsula 
Feral Crag Coyote  Feral Crag Coyote  37 - 38  Badlands 
Feral Dragonhawk Hatchling  Feral Dragonhawk Hatchling  5 - 6  Eversong Woods 
Feral Mountain Lion  Feral Mountain Lion  27 - 28  Hillsbrad Foothills 
Feral Nightsaber  Feral Nightsaber  10 - 11  Teldrassil 
Ferocious Grizzled Bear  Ferocious Grizzled Bear  11 - 12  Silverpine Forest 
Fire Roc  Fire Roc  43 - 45  Tanaris 
Firetail Scorpid  Firetail Scorpid  56 - 57  Burning Steppes 
Flatland Cougar  Flatland Cougar  7 - 8  Mulgore 
Flatland Prowler  Flatland Prowler  Mulgore 
Fleeting Plainstrider  Fleeting Plainstrider  12 - 13  The Barrens 
Fleshripper  Fleshripper  13 - 14  Westfall 
Forest Lurker  Forest Lurker  10 - 11  Loch Modan 
Forest Moss Creeper  Forest Moss Creeper  20 - 21  Hillsbrad Foothills 
Forest Spider  Forest Spider  5 - 6  Elwynn Forest 
Foreststrider  Foreststrider  14 - 16  Darkshore 
Foreststrider Fledgling  Foreststrider Fledgling  11 - 13  Darkshore 
Frenzied Bloodseeker Bat  Frenzied Bloodseeker Bat  60  Zul'Gurub 
Frostsaber  Frostsaber  56 - 57  Winterspring 
Frostsaber Cub  Frostsaber Cub  55 - 56  Winterspring 
Frostsaber Huntress  Frostsaber Huntress  58 - 59  Winterspring 
Frostsaber Pride  Frostsaber Pride  59 - 60  Winterspring 
Frostsaber Stalker  Frostsaber Stalker  59 - 60  Winterspring 
Frostwolf  Frostwolf  50 - 51  Alterac Valley 
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