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status icon feelings gif  Multiple Titans doomsday Co2's Dread Bomb
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21/10/2016 02:49:35
0 58716 DaOpa Co2 Dreadnaughts bomb gets DD in F-7490....
21/10/2016 02:49:35
status icon feelings gif  2 Revenants Destroyed, over 1k fighting in Oijanen
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21/10/2016 02:26:10
0 16620 DaOpa Over 1,000+ battle in Oijanen, many dreads...
21/10/2016 02:26:10
status icon feelings gif  Fortizar Point Defense wipes Brave
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24/09/2016 00:50:17
0 15492 DaOpa Co2
24/09/2016 00:50:17
status icon feelings gif  Co2 Fortizar destroyed in X-70MU
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24/09/2016 00:32:49
0 14628 DaOpa A Co2 Fortizar destroyed in X-70MU by NC...
24/09/2016 00:32:49
status icon feelings gif  Fortizar Destroyed in MB-NKE
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08/09/2016 02:19:25
1 14822 DaOpa Legend for Colors is generally as follows:...
09/09/2016 00:28:16
status icon feelings gif  Avatar Titan blows up in seconds!
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01/08/2011 14:50:42
0 34658 DaOpa So what happens when multiple doomsdays...
01/08/2011 14:50:42
status icon feelings gif  Hulk Gank Attempt .. Epic Fail!
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04/03/2011 20:11:09
0 74373 Magi So some odd ball was trying to gank my Hulk,...
04/03/2011 20:11:09
status icon feelings gif  SOS - I've been WAR DEC'ed
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05/12/2010 18:17:07
7 57597 DaOpa War Dec
14/12/2010 15:06:09
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