EVE Online Dev Blogs Source: //community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/
Last updated on 2025-03-07T02:18:41Z Source: //community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/directx-9-phase-out/
DirectX 9 Phase Out
Published Date: 2021-11-24T12:03:06Z
Last updated on 2021-11-24T12:03:06Z Author:
CCP Vertex
ID #:1072516151
Several months ago we announced Changes to OS Minimum Requirements and our intent to phase out DirectX 9 support for EVE Online in the near future.
In the last three years since we added DirectX 11 support to EVE, the uptake has been amazing! During that time we have continued to support DirectX9, which is now a decade old, but the on-going development cost of supporting such an old graphics API is beginning to slow down feature implementation. During the development of the new tactical overlay, we found the perfect solution very early on but unfortunately it was only supported in the DirectX11 API. This meant we had to spend additional development time figuring out a solution that would work with DirectX9 and this delayed some of our feature plans. It is this type of development cost that adds up each release and delays features reaching you!
You will start to see the initial steps of the phase out of DirectX9 in the upcoming release for graphic features such as secondary lighting; this will only be available on the DirectX 11 client. We will be investing effort in making behind the scene changes to improve the DirectX 11 experience, one such change will be a new cloud rendering approach which will mean we will be removing clouds from the DirectX 9 client in an upcoming release.
It is also worth checking what DirectX version you are using for the EVE client, to do this:
Open the Launcher
Go to the settings cog wheel on the bottom left corner of the Launcher window
Go to ‘Launch Options’
You will see a window open, ensure you do not have ‘Run game on DirectX 9’ ticked.
Or use the E menu of the Launcher:
Open the Launcher
Go to the options on the top right hand corner of the Launcher window
Go to ‘Settings’
You will see a window open, ensure you do not have ‘Run clients with DX9’ ticked.
We would like to assure the Mac community that we are aware that the current client is DirectX 9 only. This is something we have been discussing internally and we are investigating solutions. The Mac client is something we will continue to support and we have been investing in this recently.
Although we have no immediate plans to completely remove DirectX 9 support, it is an inevitable conclusion. We encourage you to check what DirectX version your computer supports and upgrade either the operating system or graphics processing unit to enable the full potential of your EVE gaming experience.
Use the following link to find out how to check which DirectX version your computer supports:
Upwell 2.0 - Structures Changes Coming On February 13th! (UPDATED)
Published Date: 2018-02-12T10:03:01Z
Last updated on 2018-02-12T10:03:01Z Author:
Team Five 0
ID #:95835951
This dev blog has been updated with changes to the plan made with help from the EVE community’s comments, discussion, and feedback.
The biggest changes from the previous version of the dev blog are:
The removal of the Standup GTFO module from the plan
The removal of the 5 minute fitting period from the structure anchoring process
Doubling the “last stand” hull repair timer duration to 30 minutes
We also wish to remind all structure operators that they are strongly advised to pre-set new reinforcement day and hour values for their structure before the patch deployment on February 13th. Structure reinforcement day and hour values can be pre-set through the right click menu in the “My Structures” tab of the structure browser (the same place where you can change the old style vulnerability windows). All structures that do not have a pre-set reinforcement day and time by the downtime of February 13th will have their reinforcement day and time set to Saturday at 18:00 EVETime. The reinforcement day and time can be pre-set as often as you want before the patch with no delay, but after the patch downtime new changes to the day and time will require 7 days to take effect.
Hello again daring capsuleers and welcome to today’s dev blog. This blog will cover the plans for a major set of improvements to Upwell structures coming your way next month!
In the year and a half since the initial introduction of Citadels, advancement of both new and existing Upwell structures has been a huge part of EVE Online’s ongoing development. Upwell technology has been advancing through the addition of new features to existing structures (such as industry, repair, and contracts) and new specialized structures in the form of Engineering Complexes and Refineries. Over this time, we have also been looking for the ways in which the basic structure mechanics introduced with Citadels could use a rework. Many aspects of these mechanics have worked out well in practice over the last year, but it has become clear that other aspects need to be changed for these structures to best serve the EVE community.
This upcoming release is intended to address several issues with the fundamental Upwell structure game systems in one combined package that we are calling “Upwell Structures 2.0”. It will be an extremely significant set of changes to most aspects of interacting with these structures and we are very excited to be getting close to the public testing phase of development. We first announced the plans for this package of changes at EVE Vegas 2017, and the basics of what we discussed with you all in Vegas still apply. At that time, we told you that the Upwell 2.0 release was planned for sometime in Q1 2018, and we are now happy to be able to announce that these changes are part of the February release, which is scheduled for February 13th 2018.
We want to give a special thanks to all the players who have been communicating your feedback on these features to us over the past year and a half. Whether it’s through the forums, responding to our email surveys, creating your own blogs and podcasts, events like Fanfest and EVE Vegas, or by passing your feedback to the CSM, we rely on feedback from the community to allow us to identify issues and improve the game for all of you. Your feedback has affected virtually every part of these changes including their schedule. As we discussed at EVE Vegas, we moved the priority of these changes up above that of the faction citadels and outpost replacement plan thanks to your feedback. We do still intend to complete the plans for faction citadels and outpost replacement, however that release is currently planned for a bit later in the year to make room for the Upwell 2.0 development process to take priority.
As we mentioned at EVE Vegas, the core of the Upwell Structures 2.0 design consists of four major pillars:
“Full power” and “low power” modes for structures
A new vulnerability and reinforcement system
A major structure combat overhaul
Moon mining in Wormhole space and some Highsec systems
In addition to the four pillars, this release will also include a significant set of other smaller changes to Upwell Structures and their associated mechanics.
Pillar #1: “Full power” and “low power” modes
The first major change to Upwell structures coming in February is the addition of new modes tied to whether service modules are online and consuming fuel in the structure. If a structure has at least one service module online, then it is considered to be at “full power” and it receives full strength defenses. If no service modules are online in a structure it is considered to be in a “low power” state and receives significantly reduced defenses until a service module is activated.
The intent of this feature is to more closely tie structure defensibility to the investment and use of the structure. It will enable players to more easily clear uninhabited Upwell structures while preserving defensive options for structures being used for their services.
Any Standup service module will enable “full power” mode on a structure, so structure owners can make use of any of the many service modules depending on their priorities and needs. Running more than one service module does not increase the “full power” bonuses, although each service module does continue to provide their own service benefits for structure users.
While in “low power” mode, an Upwell structure will have:
Significantly reduced shield and armor hitpoints
One less reinforcement cycle (jumping straight to the final reinforcement as soon as the structure shield are destroyed and skipping armor entirely)
“Low power” structures can be identified through a label on their text bracket beside the structure name:
Pillar #2: New Vulnerability and Reinforcement System
The systems surrounding the attack, reinforcement, and destruction of structures has been one of the most heavily discussed aspects of the Upwell structure design from the very beginning. This system is an especially challenging area of design as it requires a careful balance between the needs of attackers and defenders in any structure conflict. As owners and defenders of a structure, players need the security to ensure that their home will not be destroyed out from under them while they sleep. As aggressors against structures, players need the ability to inflict damage and generate conflict. This balance is further complicated by the huge variety of players and organizations in EVE.
From our observations, research, and community feedback over the past year, we believe that the vulnerability and reinforcement system used by Upwell structures since the Citadel expansion have been too unbalanced in favour of the defender. With this in mind, Upwell structures 2.0 includes a complete re-imagining of vulnerability and reinforcement for these structures.
In this new system, attacks against active Upwell structures will consist of three phases:
An initial attack that can occur at any date and any time chosen by the attackers
A second attack that occurs in the timezone of the defenders, on the day chosen by the attackers
A final battle that occurs in the timezone and day chosen by the defenders to allow them a last stand
Under this system structure owners will choose an hour of the day and a day of the week as their structure’s reinforcement time and reinforcement day respectively. Any changes to this reinforcement day and time take 7 days to take effect from the moment the changes are queued, and if the structure is damaged or reinforced when the 7 days have elapsed the change will not take effect until the structure returns to full health.
This reinforcement information will be obtainable by potential attackers using a relic or data analyzer module. Activating one of these analyzer modules will open a hacking panel similar to those found in exploration sites. The difficulty of the hacking challenge will scale depending on the size of the structure being investigated, with XL structures providing a more difficult hacking challenge than any previously available in EVE Online. After a successful hack a window will appear with the full information on the structure’s current reinforcement time and day, as well as any queued changes and the time that those changes are planned to take effect. Knowledge of the structure’s reinforcement time and day is crucial for potential attackers who wish to determine when their future fights would take place as well as plan how long they wish the structure to spend reinforced.
Under this new system, the shield hitpoints of Upwell structures will be vulnerable to attack at all times.
The mechanics of attacking the structure will remain largely consistent with the old system, including the same 15-minute repair timer and the existence of damage caps.
If the shield hitpoints of an Upwell structure are completely destroyed, the structure will enter a reinforced state. If the structure is in full power, it will enter the first of two reinforcement cycles. If the structure is in low power mode it will skip straight to its final reinforcement cycle.
First reinforcement cycles last for between 22 and 50 hours, depending on when the attack takes place relative to the structure’s reinforcement time and on a random element. When a structure enters this first reinforced mode it determines when to become vulnerable again by looking forward to the next reinforcement time that takes place at least 24 hours after it entered reinforced mode and randomly adding or subtracting some amount time up to two hours in either direction. This means that the structure owners will always have about one day’s notice that they need to form for a fight, and that the fight will take place at a random time within a four hour window centered on the time chosen by the defender. This also means that an attacker with proper investigation can plan for approximately when the structure will leave its first reinforcement period and control what day that reinforcement exit takes place to generate conflicts on dates of their choosing.
When the structure exits its first reinforcement period the armor hitpoints become vulnerable with the standard 15 minute repair countdown.
If a full power mode structure loses its armor hitpoints (or if a low power mode structure loses its shield hitpoints) the structure enters a final reinforcement period. The duration of final reinforcement cycles depends on when the structure enters the reinforcement, what reinforcement day the owner of the structure has chosen, and the area of space the structure is located within.
When a structure enters its final reinforcement period it looks for the next reinforcement time on the weekly reinforcement day that occurs at least X days in the future, and then randomly adds or subtracts some amount time up to two hours in either direction. This X value depends on the location of the structure:
0.5 days for Wormhole space
2.5 days for Lowsec and Nullsec space
5.5 days for Highsec space
This means that the final battle for a structure will always take place on the day of the week chosen by the defender, within a four hour window centered on their selected reinforcement hour.
Just as in the previous system, all a structure’s service modules will go offline while the structure is in this final reinforcement period.
When a structure finishes its final reinforcement period its hull hitpoints become vulnerable to attack. At this point the structure may be destroyed once and for all with a successful attack and final battle.
Under this new system a random unscouted attack against a full power Upwell structure could lead to a set of reinforcement timers with a maximum combined duration of 14 days in highsec, 11 days in nullsec and lowsec, and 9 days in W-space. However, a prepared attacker that hacks the structure for its reinforcement information ahead of time can ensure that those durations drop to 7 days in highsec, 4 days in lowsec and nullsec and 2 days in W-space. This highlights the importance of hacking potential target structures to obtain the best possible information for your planning.
This new system also enables clever attackers to ensure that the first reinforcement period for a full power structures will exit during a weekend to generate potential fights by launching initial attacks against structures on Thursday evening, Friday, or Saturday in preparation for the next day’s reinforcement hour.
The following chart shows the complete state flow available to Upwell structures in this new system:
Chart has been updated from original blog version (click to enlarge
Pillar #3: Structure Combat Overhaul
The third major pillar of this Upwell structure revamp is the largest set of structure combat balance changes since the introduction of Citadels. Combat alongside, against, and near Upwell structures is an important part of the EVE metagame and it needs continued iteration to ensure that the experience is the best it can be.
The key goals of these changes are to make structure combat more interesting and enjoyable for structure gunners, structure defenders, and structure attackers. This means focusing on mechanics that provide players with choices and opportunities to display their skill, and that have effective counterplay available.
One significant component of this combat overhaul is the addition of new burst projector superweapons to Upwell structures. These powerful disruptive weapons are currently primarily available on supercarriers and allow the operator to place area of effect disruption bursts anywhere in the battlefield remotely. The disruption bursts are visible before they take effect, allowing opposing pilots to see them coming and evade their impact range. The initial pass of structure burst projectors includes AoE target painter, weapon disruptor, energy neutralization, ecm jammer, sensor dampening, stasis webification, and warp disruption bubble effects.
The addition of the new Standup Energy Neutralization Burst Projector will replace the functions of the Standup Void Guided Bomb, which has been causing balance issues. The Neutralization Burst Projector requires more skill and forethought to use and has significantly more counterplan available, making it a better choice overall for the EVE combat environment. When the Upwell Structures 2.0 release deploys on February 13th all existing Standup Void Guided bombs and their blueprints will be converted automatically to Standup Light Guided bombs and their blueprints.
These new Standup Burst Projector modules are able to be used on all Medium, Large, and XL structures. The Large and XL versions of Upwell Structures are especially well suited to use these modules as they will receive a role bonus to the rate of fire of Burst Projectors and Guided Bomb Launchers.
Standup Fighters
Another major component of this combat rework is a re-imagining of structure fighters. Currently Upwell structures may launch the same types of fighters used by carriers and supercarriers, but these fighters do not receive any benefits from skills or ship bonuses. As a part of this release, Upwell will be releasing dedicated Standup variants of every fighter used by capsuleers. These new fighters will be much more powerful than their standard variants, and will only be able to be launched by Upwell structures. Building these new Standup fighters will require a standard fighter plus some additional input equal to approximately 25% more material value. The blueprints for these Standup fighters will be available seeded on the market from any Upwell Consortium member station (the same locations where other Upwell BPOs are seeded). Not willing to be outdone, Sansha’s Nation WISHES TO EXPAND ITS BORDERS has released its own structure-capable upgrade package for the Shadow heavy fighter that can be purchased in BPC form from Sansha’s Nation loyalty point stores. On patch day existing fighters will need to be upgraded to Standup variants in order to be launched from Upwell structures.
Since fighters will now be playing a larger part in structure gameplay Upwell has also upgraded the fighter interfacing software for all of their structures. Staring with the Upwell 2.0 release, whenever a capsuleer leaves the gunner position of a structure (or two capsuleers swap) any fighters launched from that structure will not be abandoned. They will remain connected, disengage from combat, and automatically start flying back to the structure for recovery. New gunners will then be able to issue them commands immediately if desired.
These new Standup fighters will continue to not require any capsuleer skills to operate, and therefore will not benefit from those skills. However, their powerful base stats more than make up for the lack of skill bonuses. They enjoy massive bonuses to dps, hitpoints, speed, and sensor strength that make them powerful forces on the battlefield. Fighters provide an element of positional and movement gameplay that is otherwise unavailable to structure gunners, which is why we are especially excited to upgrade structure fighters into a state where they will become a major part of these battles.
Structure Module Rebalance
The structure combat overhaul will also include a major rework to structure combat modules. The fitting gameplay options and choices available to structure owners has been lacking compared to ship fitting gameplay and we intend to start closing the gap with the Upwell 2.0 release.
The largest change to modules in this release will be the addition of new T2 Standup modules. These will provide upgraded functionality to all the major combat modules for Upwell structures and introduce numerous new fitting options. Entirely new module categories will also be brought to Upwell structures, including capacitor power relays, capacitor batteries, armor reinforcers.
To go along with these new fitting options, we will also be adjusting the balance around structure fitting stats and module stats to bring more interesting gameplay to structure fitting. Expect CPU and Powergrid decisions to matter much more after this release, especially if you wish to take advantage of the new T2 modules. The fitting requirements of service modules have been reduced significantly, and structure Powergrid and CPU pools have been reduced to compensate.
Structure weapons are also receiving a balance pass, with anti-capital damage generally reducing and anti-subcapital damage generally increasing. The Standup Heavy Guided Bombs (formerly known as Standup AM Guided Bombs) will also be receiving a significant increase to their explosion radius to better differentiate them from the Standup Light Guided Bombs (formerly known as Standup AS Guided Bombs). All of the Standup missiles and launchers are also being renamed to more clearly show their roles and remove their over-reliance on acronym gobbledygook.
Structure tackle modules will also be receiving major updates with this release. These powerful modules can often become oppressive with their ability to keep single targets tackled and webbed indefinitely. It is especially important for us to address these modules now since the addition of 24/7 shield vulnerability means structures will be able to activate their tackle modules at all times. To solve these issues, we plan to add a reactivation delay to the Standup Focused Warp Disruptor (formerly known as the Standup Warp Scrambler) and Standup Stasis Webifier modules that prevents them from being cycled constantly without breaks. The current plan is for them to activate for 30 seconds, and then need to wait one minute before activating again. The Standup Focused Warp Disruptor will also be changed to become scriptable, with a longer-range disruptor mode and a shorter-range scrambler mode accessible through a script. Combined with these changes they would also be limited to a maximum of one copy each fitted to a structure. The intent would be for these modules to be used strategically to grab tackle long enough for an allied ship to get their own point, or in conjunction with the new AoE webs and bubbles.
After some productive discussions with the CSM at our recent summit meeting, we will also be increasing the locking range of Upwell structures significantly to better enable them to engage with targets at extreme ranges. Base lock range of Upwell Structures is planned to increase to 350k, 380km, and 400km for medium, large and XL structures respectively. Additionally all Upwell Structure will gain the ability to increase target range further to a cap of 490km through the existing targeting speed rigs and modules which will be expanded to also provide targeting range bonuses in addition to their current benefits.
Pillar #4: Moon Mining in W-Space and Highsec
The final major pillar of the Upwell Structures 2.0 release is the single most requested structure addition from the community over the past several months: moon mining gameplay in wormhole space and highsec.
These moons will contain a randomized selection of upgraded standard mineral ore variants, as well as some of the most common varieties of moongoo ores in lower quantities than those available in lowsec and nullsec.
Other Upwell 2.0 Changes
Beyond the four main pillars, there are also many other miscellaneous improvements for Upwell structures coming in the Upwell 2.0 release. These changes cover a wide variety of topics any most of them were sourced from community requests and suggestions:
To provide more time for final battles (especially in high load situations), the final hull repair timer for Upwell Structures has been doubled from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
The damage messages received when attacking structures will now properly display the amount of damage your weapons are inflicting even if that damage is being deflected by the structure damage cap. Instead of listing your attack as “0 damage”, you will see the potential damage with a note of how much of that damage was deflected.
To improve the balance around using carriers from within tether range of structures, launching fighters is now considered an aggressive action for the tethering system. This means that any carrier or supercarrier with fighters under its control will automatically break tether and remain untethered until it either recalls or abandons the fighters (or those fighters are destroyed in combat)
Asset safety is a major part of Upwell structures, but we have heard from many players that it provides a bit too much absolute safety in some circumstances. We are making a few tweaks to the asset safety costs to help address these concerns:
The formula for calculating asset safety values will now provide a more accurate estimate of the item value, and will be much less likely to value an item at 0isk
A new minimum asset safety recovery cost has been set at 0.5% of item value. This cost will be required to recover items from asset safety even if the recovery takes place in the same solar system
We are currently investigating adding asset safety costs to the killmails for structures so that attackers would be able to clearly see how much damage they inflicted. This will not be ready in time for Upwell 2.0 and we cannot guarantee it at this time, but we are hopeful that it will be possible in the future.
Another issue that the CSM raised at our recent summit meeting was the removal of structure rigs before destruction to deny satisfaction to the attackers. To solve this issue, destruction of fitted rigs will no longer be possible while a structure is damaged. Rigs will essentially follow the same rules as modules.
A new icon has been added to structure brackets in the overview and space scene to indicate whether you currently have permission to dock in that structure. This indication will make it much easier to determine which of the structures on a grid are open to you. It is however important to remember that even if one of your characters has permission to dock in a structure, that doesn’t mean that your other characters necessarily have the same permissions.
NPC corps may now be added to access lists in the same way that player corps can be added. This will allow ACL admins to add specific NPC corps such as rookie corps and FW militia corps to their permission lists as needed.
Unanchoring structures will now display the progress of their unanchoring timer in the structure browser to characters with the Station Manager role
When unfitting a clone bay service module, a new popup message will inform you about how many jump clones would be destroyed by that action and check to see if you’re sure
It is now possible to self destruct pods inside a citadel with a cloning bay service module, just like you can in a station.
There are also some other changes we have in progress that will not be ready for the February path but that will be coming soon after:
Locking of blueprints is coming soon to Upwell structures! Locked blueprints will remain locked if they enter asset safety and will need to be unlocked by vote before being recovered from the asset safety system. This is a major step towards full feature parity between station and Upwell structures and we hope that it will be very helpful for industrialists
We are working on increasing the set of characters allowed in the names of Upwell structures to include commonly used characters such as $, %, and ~
Most of these changes and new features will be showing up on the test server in the near future for the community to try out and see what you think. We will be creating specific feedback threads with numbers for many of the balance changes such as the new modules and fighters, so keep an eye out on the official forums for those to appear in the coming days. We highly encourage all interested players to hop onto the Singularity public testing server and try these changes out for themselves.
One important task to complete before the February 13th patch day is to pre-set the reinforcement hour and day for your active structures. This can be done through the structure browser in the same place where current vulnerability schedules can be changed. We will be releasing new reports as reminders between now and the Upwell 2.0 patch to ensure that everyone has a chance to prepare.
Once again, we want to give a huge thanks to everyone who has been passing along feedback on the existing structure system and on these new proposed changes. We will be reserving space in the comments thread for a FAQ and some example scenarios and we encourage you all to ask questions and let us know what you think there.
Thanks for joining us for this dev blog today and fly safe!
- Team Five-0
Keywords: Upwell 2.0 - Structures Changes Coming On February 13th!
In the blog, we detailed a fundraiser to support his fiancée and one year old daughter here in Reykjavík that would run for a week, with a specially designed one off SKIN set to commemorate the amazing work that he was a part of during his time working on EVE Online.
The response was astonishing, unparalleled in the history of fundraisers hosted by CCP, and incredibly humbling.
This may actually be one of the shortest Dev blogs we’ve ever released, because it’s difficult to find the words to say thank you enough to such an amazing, and incredibly generous community.
We’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.
In total, between December 12th and December 19th, the EVE Community donated 3,730,320 PLEX through the purchase of “Blaze” Squadron SKINs. This is the equivalent of 620 YEARS of game time.
More importantly, it represents a donation of $119,828.50 USD that CCP will make to CCP Blaze’s family on behalf of the EVE Online Community.
To put the numbers into perspective, this is the second largest CCP hosted fundraiser that the EVE Community has contributed to, eclipsing all but one of the PLEX for GOOD drives in just seven days.
It’s honestly not possible for us to find words that would accurately convey the gratitude we feel to our pilots.
Once again, the EVE Community has shown that despite differences in game, our pilots are a formidable, and indestructible force for good.
From all of us, to all of you, our most sincere thanks for your support.
Published Date: 2017-12-21T13:42:09Z
Last updated on 2017-12-21T13:42:09Z Author:
Team Psycho Sisters
ID #:95870221
Greetings Capsuleers,
With the January release you will notice we have made some significant changes to the following windows in EVE:
The Agency
Agent Finder
Updates to The Agency
With the January release we are going to be introducing the following features to The Agency:
Factional Warfare
To be able to include these systems we have had to make some changes to how dungeon archetypes in EVE are handled.
The mission objective of The Agency is to bring content to you, the Capsuleer. To do that, we need to know what types of content there are, and one system was holding us back, the sites. As you know, there are many types of sites (Relic, Data, Combat, Ghost, FW, Incursion, etc....), and the old way of distinguishing these sites from each other was to look at their scan attribute, which, when more types of sites are introduced, becomes very limited.
For The Agency to be able to distinguish between the many different types of sites in New Eden, we have revamped and surfaced an old back end system that organizes them, but had fallen into disarray and neglect. Instead of most sites having the same archetype, each site now has an archetype that distinguishes its content type, Incursion sites in the Incursion archetype, Relic sites in the Relic Site archetype, and so on.
Surfacing this system allows the EVE client to distinguish these sites from each other. For example, this means that Factional Warfare sites and Incursion Sites will no longer just be listed under "Combat Sites", but their own category. For now, this functionality will only be available in The Agency, but the possibilities for this separation to expand over to all systems in EVE are there.
Factional Warfare and Incursions
With access to the new archetype information it means we can display the Factional Warfare and Incursion content in The Agency.
The pictures below will show some examples of what the Factional Warfare cards will look like, including a new card to host the factional warfare system and display the current owner of the system and what state it is in (Stable, Vulnerable etc)
The updated basic card to differentiate from other combat sites.
The pictures below will show some examples of what the Incursion cards will look like, including a new card to host the Incursion and display the Constellation, Staging System, the Stage of the Incursion (Established, Mobilized, Withdrawing), the current level of Incursion penalties and if the Mothership is active.
As with Factional Warfare, with the archetype system we can now display Incursion site cards as their own content. We have also moved all the relevant information into the expanded card.
Epic Arcs
Epic Arcs were included with the initial release of The Agency but with the disjointed nature of the Agent being in the Agency and the lore text being in the Journal we thought it was worth looking at if we could make a more immersive experience for players on the Epic Arcs.
Let us introduce the new and improved Epic Arc cards for The Agency.
You will now be able to track the story through the Expanded cards and see how far into Epic Arc you are and when you will unlock the next chapter.
The Journal
The Journal is a bit of a different beast, and has served as an outlet for a lot of in game content over the years. We wanted to make sure that we kept our efforts focused while overhauling it, so we hooked up some metric tracking to the Journal window.
As it currently stands on TQ we have the following tabs in the journal and the % of how often they are opened compared to all windows in EVE:
Agents – 10%
Expeditions – 5%
Contracts - 0.84%
Planetary Launches – 0.26%
Epic Journal – 0.25 %
Incursions – 0.5%
None of the numbers were too surprising. Some of the only access or information about these features is in the Journal or through external 3rd party information.
So, with these numbers in mind we started looking at what we could do to better represent this information or make it more discoverable.
Let’s run through the above tabs and break down what we will be doing for January
This tab will remain untouched in the January release. We feel the amount of people currently using it means we should leave this as it is for the time being.
These will be moving over to the Agency where you will be able to track your expeditions. To see your current Expeditions just open the Agency and select either the Suggested tab or filter for combat sites and remember to adjust the distance.
This tab is going to be removed and the contracts window should be able to handle everything this tab does.
For this to work we are adding a "Requires Attention" filter to the "Status" dropdown in the "My Contracts" tab of the "Contracts" window.
Clicking any of the Contracts window front page messages like "You have x contracts that require attention" or "Your corp has y contracts in progress" will now take you to the "My Contracts" tab within the "Contracts" window.
We are also reorganizing the order of the buttons in this window to make more sense. Contract Type will now be the first dropdown box in the "My Contracts" tab.
Planetary Launches:
The "Planetary Launches" tab will be moved to become a new tab in the "Planetary Colonies" window. Functionally this tab and window will remain the same and PI interaction will now be accessed in one location.
Epic Journal:
The Epic Journal will be removed completely and will be handled entirely by the Agency. See The Agency updates above for more information and pictures.
We are also moving almost all the Incursion tab to the Agency, however we have not found a good home for the loyalty point log, so with the January release we will keep this in the Journal and everything else will move to The Agency.
We would like to know what you use the Loyalty Point Log for, so please provide us some feedback in the comments thread for this devblog. For Example: Do you only use this to see your current pool of LP?
Agent Finder
In addition to all these changes, we are removing the Agent Finder as it is currently known.
With the introduction of The Agency, we effectively introduced a new Agent Finder and we felt this was an opportunity to encourage people to use The Agency, while simplifying the process of finding an Agent to work with.
If you filter the Agency to "Specify" for "Agents" you will basically get all the filters that were in the Agent Finder.
All pictures included in this dev blog are works in progress and subject to change.
Thanks for reading! All these changes are currently available on our test server, Singularity, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.
- Team Psycho Sisters
Keywords: Updates to The Agency, Journal, and Agent Finder
Published Date: 2017-12-12T11:25:06Z
Last updated on 2017-12-12T11:25:06Z Author:
Team TriLambda
ID #:95835963
Approximately four weeks ago on November 14th, CCP received the devastating news of the passing of a member of our staff.
CCP Blaze, one of our Senior Software Engineers with our Audio & Graphics team, passed away suddenly at the age of just 35, while on vacation in London celebrating his recent engagement.
He is survived by his fiancée and one year old daughter here in Reykjavík, and leaves behind an amazing legacy at CCP from his 8 years at our headquarters working on EVE Online.
As an incredibly skilled graphics programmer, Blaze was involved in almost every aspect of Team TriLambda’s work over the course of the last 8 years, and contributed extensively to projects that pilots interact with daily in New Eden, including the warp tunnel, the tactical overlay, temporal anti-aliasing, and a whole host of other projects.
Over the course of the last three weeks, the development team here at CCP have said goodbye to Blaze in our own way, hosting our own internal fundraiser and supporting his family, friends and co-workers as best as possible at this difficult time.
Alongside supporting those left behind, we feel that’s it’s also incredibly important to honor those lost and the incredible work and creativity they share with us.
To help us do this, we’ve decided to release a new SKIN set today in honor of CCP Blaze.
All profits from the sale of this set will be donated directly to his fiancée and daughter by CCP Games, on behalf of the EVE Online Community.
Available from today, we’d like to introduce you to the “Blaze” Squadron SKIN set.
This SKIN will only be made available as a one off, between today and downtime on December 19th. After that, it will be retired from the New Eden Store, and will never be sold again.
It will be available for the following hulls, in a bundle for 495 PLEX:
Additionally, it will be made available separately for the Armageddon, CCP Blaze’s favourite ship, for 110 PLEX.
We would like to reiterate that all profits from the sale of these SKINs will be donated directly to CCP Blaze’s fiancée and daughter on behalf of the EVE Online Community.
To honor CCP Blaze’s love for EVE Online and his many years as an EVE player, we’ve also chosen to write him into backstory as an immortalized part of New Eden’s history.
The description for this SKIN will read as follows:
“Blaze” Squadron SKIN (Permanent)
Designed by Angel Cartel engineers, and released as a tribute to the leader of the Dominations notorious “Blaze” hit and run squadron who was lost in battle in late YC119, this nanocoating was made available in very limited numbers for only six hulls.
Known only as “Blaze”, a name earned from both the trail of burning wreckage usually left in his wake and his appearance with a golden red beard, his squadron became his namesake after hundreds of daring raids against Republic Fleet assets.
Today, they wear his colors in honor of his legacy as one of the Angel Cartel’s most successful and notorious pirates.
“Gone, but never forgotten. His name lives on in all of you. Hoist his colors, and decimate anything that stands in your way.” Trald Vukenda – CEO, Dominations.
Keywords: A new SKIN, and a tribute to a fallen wingman
Published Date: 2017-11-14T15:23:05Z
Last updated on 2017-11-14T15:23:05Z Author:
Team Size Matters
ID #:95835960
We recently announced a massive upgrade to Alphas in this Dev Blog, where we described plans to make an additional 15 million skill points available for Alphas on top of the 5 million they already have. We also told you that we were going to offer a new way for Alphas to train all those added skill points and that’s what we’re here to tell you about today.
As we locked down the list of new Alpha skills, we realized that we really wanted a more affordable option that Alphas could use to train a little at a time. Saving up enough ISK to PLEX your way to Omega or buy a Skill Injector is difficult for new players and in many cases an Alpha may only need a small addition to their training to unlock a new ship class or weapon system, not 30 whole days of training.
The problem is that we can’t offer smaller portions of Omega time without running into issues like one day Cyno alts. We also faced a lot of messy tech and usability issues when trying to figure out how to offer smaller portions of training time (the entire skill and training system needs a refactor which we are currently investigating).
So, we approached the design with the following requirements:
Alphas must be able to acquire training in small chunks (one day's worth ideally)
Training rate from new option must not be faster than Omega
Must not activate Omega state or put character in a new Clone State
New option must be easily traded and available on market
With those in mind, we decided that we can use an item to deliver the skill points and use a daily limit on using the item to make sure the training rate never exceeds Omega.
This bite-size training will take the form of a ‘Daily Alpha Injector’.
Here are the basic rules for the Daily Alpha Injector:
Only one Daily Alpha Injector may be used per day, per character (resets at downtime)
May only be used by characters in the Alpha Clone State
Can be purchased in the NES for PLEX or purchased for your regions real money currency via secure.eveonline.com
Can be activated to immediately to add 50,000 skill points to your character's unallocated skill pool (roughly one day worth of Omega training)
Can be traded on the in-game market
Does not award Omega Status
Pretty simple! we're sure you have questions though, so we'll try and answer some of the most obvious and then we can follow up in discussion threads for the blog:
Why call it an injector, even though it’s different?
This question was hotly debated and we settled on injector because the basic function of an activated item which gives you unallocated skill points is the same, even though the source of the skill points and the daily limit are different. We think naming it a booster or training item would have been confusing and potentially sent the message that it would unlock Omega time.
How much will they cost?
We are planning to sell Daily Alpha Injectors for 20 PLEX each in the New Eden Store and directly on secure.eveonline.com in a range of packages with pricing to come at release. They will also be available on the in-game market where we expect ISK prices to be well within reach of an active Alpha.
Can every character on an Alpha Account use one per day?
Yes. The one-day limit is per character, not per account.
Can I use skill points from an Alpha Injector on Omega skills?
Yes and no. Alpha Injectors add skills to your unallocated pool where they stay until they are spent. As an Alpha you cannot apply those points to Omega skills, but, if you become Omega at some point with unallocated points in your pool they can be spent on any skill. The CSM was trying to find a way to abuse this but so far has not succeeded, please let us know if you do ??
Can I use Alpha Injectors while I still have free training available before I've reached five million skill points?
Yes, and we realize this may actually mean that in some cases an Alpha under five million skill points would train faster than an Omega with a sub-optimal attribute layout (we still need to deal with attributes in general). We are looking into new bonuses for first time Omegas to balance this out and will keep you up to date as we progress on those.
December is coming up fast and we can’t wait to see what our free players will do with all their new power. Let us know what you think in the comment section and we’ll see you in space!
Fly Free,
Team Size Matters
Keywords: New Alpha Training Option!
Published Date: 2017-11-10T14:02:45Z
Last updated on 2017-11-10T14:02:45Z Author:
CCP Quant
ID #:92123069
This is the Monthly Economic Report (MER) for October 2017.
The raw data and graphs that make up this report, including the killmail data, can be downloaded here (29 MB).
Click on any graph in this report for an enlarged version.
Some of you may think those region graphs are pretty much useless graphical representations that could easily be replaced by simple bar charts. I absolutely agree with that, they were initially made as presentation material for EVE Vegas and not really suitable here, but now by popular demand, as you can see above, bar chart versions have been added to each of the regional graphs.
I've also been looking for interesting ways to visualize regional data, and came upon this reddit post one evening, that had this graph showing the population in Europe, bar Iceland of course (there's even a subreddit for this):
I thought this was a really interesting way to visualize data on a 2D map and wanted to see if I could apply this to the EVE Starmap. The first issue I had was that I couldn't, because to make a map like this you need a lot of datapoints (lat/long) to make the maps to begin with, then use the lat/long of cities to raise the lines relative to some number like population. I solved this issue by smearing out the starmap with a centered moving average filter, with some interesting results:
Keywords: Monthly Economic Report - October 2017
Published Date: 2017-11-02T15:38:00Z
Last updated on 2017-11-02T15:38:00Z Author:
Team Size Matters
ID #:95835960
Hi Clone People!
If you were with us at EVE Vegas or watching it from home, you should know by now that we have some big plans for Clone States coming up. It’s time to start sharing the details of that plan so you can begin preparing for the release later this year and so that we can gather more feedback in time to make any last-minute changes.
Let’s start by going over the results from the introduction of Clone States in 2016’s EVE Online: Ascension expansion and then talk about why we want to make changes at all.
The Good
All in all, our results have been very positive. Introducing Alpha clones increased day-to-day activity in EVE, increased new player numbers, and encouraged many former players to come back. Clone States improved the discussion around joining EVE for the first time, both in the media and in our community, where Clone States is supported and advertised as a great option for trying EVE for free at your own pace. And, importantly, EVE’s economy and gameplay ecosystem are intact and healthy despite some concerns before launch about potential abuse by free accounts (with Ghost Training as a speed bump:/ ).
The Could be Better
We have these great signs that Alpha access to EVE is something the world wants, but, on the other hand, we also see evidence that the current Alpha experience is too restricted to hold players long term. Being an Alpha is often described more like an infinite trial period than a true free experience, and our data seems to back that up. New players decide if the game is right for them very quickly, then either leave or subscribe rather than playing as an Alpha long term. Of course, more Omegas is fantastic but we think many of the players who leave might be willing to stay around if subscription didn’t feel like a requirement.
Expanded Alpha Set
That’s where the new skill list comes in. By expanding the amount of skills available to Alphas, the free experience will be much deeper and more powerful. We hope that with a stronger free experience, we see more players staying around to play as Alphas even if they can’t subscribe right away. This makes EVE even stronger for all pilots, for as we know players are the content in New Eden.
Let’s go over some of the highlights from the new Alpha skill set and talk about why we chose this list, then you can find the complete list at the bottom of the blog.
Tech II Small and Medium Weapons
Comparing Alpha ships to their Omega counterparts can look pretty brutal right now due to the lack of Tech II weapons. By adding them to the Alpha set, not only will DPS potential be much closer between Alphas and Omegas, Alphas will also pick up the extremely important utility granted by certain Tech II ammo variations.
The most obvious restriction that Alphas face is ship size. Even though EVE is unique in its design to allow even a frigate pilot to make a difference in any battle, the reality is that big ships offer capabilities and experiences that can be hard to get in Frigates and Cruisers. With Battlecruisers and Tech II Medium weapons available, Alphas should be able to make a big difference in any part of the game.
Yes, Battleships! Battleships are some of EVE’s most iconic ships and the most common aspiration for new players. We see them as an essential part of a deep EVE experience and so we want everyone to be train to fly them. We’ve also heard loud and clear from the CSM and from the discussions surrounding the announcement at EVE Vegas that Battleships are widely considered powerful and this might be scary territory for existing players. That’s why we’re holding back on Tech II Large weapons for now, and it’s also why we will watch behavior post release very carefully. If we see negative effects, we will make changes. We hope that isn’t necessary though and we believe that granting access to Battleships for Alphas will be exciting for everyone in New Eden.
All Factions
Being restricted to one faction had some important goals at release, but it also had some big drawbacks and we’re going to let it go. Alphas will now be able to train Ship Command skills from all four factions and will also be able to train all weapon systems. Not only does this open up cross training, a key component of EVE progression, it also opens up pirate faction ships which are some of the most powerful ships in the Tech I arsenal.
Supporting Changes
We are making one other very important change to the way Alpha Clones work in this release to support the expanded skill set: Free Alpha Skill Training will stop when a character reaches 5 million total skill points.
Training after 5 million skill points works normally, that is, you can train skills with Omega time or Skill Injectors. Any skills you’ve previously trained which fall under the Alpha set can be used at any time, regardless of Clone State. It looks like this:
As we looked at adding more skills to the Alpha set we realized that bringing along free passive training up to the new Alpha cap, like we did the first time around, would cause problems. The more free training we give away the less valuable skill points become, which is not good for existing players, scary for CCP, and inevitably harmful to game balance and the game economy.
By stopping training below the current skill extraction limit, skill points keep their value and new players can invest in them at their own pace without being required to subscribe every month to use the skills they’ve already trained.
And that’s it for today! Look below for the complete list of new skills and please let us know if you think it’s missing something or if there’s something that doesn’t belong!
Thanks for reading,
Fly Free
Team Size Matters
Revised Alpha Clone Skill Set for the December 2017 Release
Total SP: 20,443,989
Skill Name
Skill Level
Skill Group
Skill Rank
Skill Points
Armor Layering
EM Armor Compensation
Explosive Armor Compensation
Hull Upgrades
Kinetic Armor Compensation
Remote Armor Repair Systems
Remote Hull Repair Systems
Repair Systems
Thermal Armor Compensation
Corporation Management
Corporation Management
Drone Avionics
Drone Durability
Drone Interfacing
Drone Navigation
Drone Sharpshooting
Light Drone Operation
Medium Drone Operation
Repair Drone Operation
Heavy Drone Operation
Amarr Drone Specialization
Caldari Drone Specialization
Gallente Drone Specialization
Minmatar Drone Specialization
Electronic Warfare
Electronic Systems
Propulsion Jamming
Electronic Systems
Weapon Disruption
Electronic Systems
Sensor Linking
Electronic Systems
Target Painting
Electronic Systems
Advanced Weapon Upgrades
CPU Management
Capacitor Emission Systems
Capacitor Management
Capacitor Systems Operation
Electronics Upgrades
Energy Grid Upgrades
Energy Pulse Weapons
Power Grid Management
Weapon Upgrades
Controlled Bursts
Medium Energy Turret
Motion Prediction
Rapid Firing
Small Energy Turret
Surgical Strike
Trajectory Analysis
Small Pulse Laser Specialization
Medium Pulse Laser Specialization
Small Beam Laser Specialization
Medium Beam Laser Specialization
Large Energy Turret
Small Blaster Specialization
Medium Blaster Specialization
Small Rail Specialization
Medium Rail Specializatoin
Large Hybrid Turret
Small Autocannon Specialization
Medium Autocannon Specialization
Small Artillery Specialization
Medium Artillery Specialization
Large Projectile Turret
Rocket Specialization
Heavy Missile Specialization
Light Missile Specialization
Heavy Assault Missile Specialization
Medium Hybrid Turret
Small Hybrid Turret
Medium Projectile Turret
Small Projectile Turret
Cruise Missiles
Guided Missile Precision
Missile Launcher Operation
Light Missiles
Heavy Assault Missiles
Heavy Missiles
Missile Bombardment
Missile Projection
Rapid Launch
Target Navigation Prediction
Warhead Upgrades
Acceleration Control
Evasive Maneuvering
High Speed Maneuvering
Warp Drive Operation
Neural Enhancement
Neural Enhancement
Infomorph Psychology
Neural Enhancement
Mass Production
Resource Processing
Ice Harvesting
Resource processing
Mining Upgrades
Resource Processing
Resource Processing
Gas Cloud Harvesting
Resource Processing
Resource Processing
Armor Rigging
Astronautics Rigging
Hybrid Weapon Rigging
Launcher Rigging
Shield Rigging
Projectile Weapon Rigging
Drones Rigging
Electronic Superiority Rigging
Energy Weapon Rigging
Jury Rigging
Astrometric Acquisition
Astrometric Rangefinding
EM Shield Compensation
Explosive Shield Compensation
Kinetic Shield Compensation
Shield Emission Systems
Shield Compensation
Shield Management
Shield Operation
Shield Upgrades
Tactical Shield Manipulation
Thermal Shield Compensation
Criminal Connections
Distribution Connections
Mining Connections
Security Connections
Amarr Battlecruiser
Spaceship Command
Amarr Battleship
Spaceship Command
Caldari Battlecruiser
Spaceship Command
Caldari Battleship
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Battlecruiser
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Battleship
Spaceship Command
Gallente Battlecruiser
Spaceship Command
Gallente Battleship
Spaceship Command
Amarr Cruiser
Spaceship Command
Amarr Destroyer
Spaceship Command
Amarr Frigate
Spaceship Command
Amarr Industrial
Spaceship Command
Mining Frigate
Spaceship Command
Spaceship Command
Spaceship Command
Caldari Cruiser
Spaceship Command
Caldari Destroyer
Spaceship Command
Caldari Frigate
Spaceship Command
Caldari Industrial
Spaceship Command
Gallente Cruiser
Spaceship Command
Gallente Destroyer
Spaceship Command
Gallente Frigate
Spaceship Command
Gallente Industrial
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Cruiser
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Destroyer
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Frigate
Spaceship Command
Minmatar Industrial
Spaceship Command
Structure Management
Long Range Targeting
Signature Analysis
Target Management
Broker Relations
Keywords: Clone States - The next steps
The Agency - Helping you find PVE content in New Eden
Published Date: 2017-10-23T17:15:03Z
Last updated on 2017-10-23T17:15:03Z Author:
Team Psycho Sisters
ID #:95870221
Greetings capsuleers,
We're coming up on EVE Online's fifteenth anniversary and that means fifteen years of content being added to the game. With so much to do in New Eden it is sometimes very difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. In fact, for new players it can be overwhelming.
To help you narrow down your content search within EVE’s various gameplay systems, we've come up with a feature so you can view lots of content in one place. Introducing The Agency
But don’t we already have a feature called The Agency?
We do, and it will be assimilated to this new and improved version of The Agency so that we have one UI that will be a hub for all PVE content. Industry, Planetary Interaction and other “non versus” gameplay will still be housed in their particular UIs.
Supported Content
The new version of The Agency connects you to all the PVE content in the game and provides you with access to this content in a manner that should fit any play style or time allowance. For the initial release coming in the October 24th Lifeblood expansion, the following content will be included:
I am sure some of you are reading this list thinking that we are killing exploration by including Anomalies and Signatures. Worry not, these items will only appear for the system that you are currently in and you will still have to scan down signatures to know exactly what they are. Once you have scanned them they will appear in your list of available cards.
We have our sights set on adding the following systems to the Agency in the future:
Factional Warfare
Escalations from exploration sites
Filtering The Agency
You can imagine with 15 years of EVE content, it all amounts to A LOT of cards for players to sift through! We want you to find content that's both accessible and interesting to you, but with all this possible content and information available, how will you be able to find the content you want and make sense of The Agency?
We will be providing some filters so you can discover the content you want to run and where you want to run it. The goal here is to give enough control over your search without burdening you with too much clicking.
On release we will have two top level, user configurable filters to narrow down to the content you want. The first filter is "Range", which lets you to select your current system, 2 jumps, 5 jumps, 10 jumps or any distance to indicate the maximum distance you're willing to travel.
The second filter is “Content Type”, which breaks down in the following way:
Suggested - This will be a mix of all the available content to you
Combat - This will be a mix of all available combat content, such as Security Agents and combat sites
Mining - A mix of all available mining content, such as Mining Agents and Asteroid Belts
Specify - One specific type of content. In some cases, this comes with content type specific filtering, such as, faction, corp, level and type for agents, to give players more precise control:
Asteroid Belts
Epic Arc Agents
At this point, the Agency will provide a shortlist of the most suitable content based on the user selected filters, location, standings, skillpoints and other relevant parameters. The details of how we come up with the shortlist would probably require a blog of its own, but the mantra is that we always give you the best, nearest content you can actually participate in right now, while avoiding redundant choice.
Interacting with The Agency
Once you have filtered down to the content you want, how do you go about finding out more information?
Each piece of content is going to have a basic card that will appear as a list on the left of the window.
Clicking on the basic card will open an expanded card offering more details about the content.
With these expanded cards we are going to try and expose all the relevant information that will be required for participation in the content and the possible rewards that can be received. The expanded card should be clearly explaining what the content is, how to participate if you cannot already (ship restrictions), what progression mechanics it ties into (standings), and how to get to it based on your current location (Set Destination, Warp to).
Some examples of extra information that will be included:
We will show you the potential asteroids that can appear Asteroid Belts, Ore Sites, and Ice Belts.
The hostiles that may appear in the sites. We are also looking at including NPC damage types in future iterations of The Agency so that should free up some space in all your bios.
If any content requires special modules to participate, we would like to let you know this in advance
This is just the first iteration of The (new) Agency, so we look forward to hearing your feedback on what other filters, content or information you would like to see included.
The Goo must flow: Everything about Refineries and Moon mining
Published Date: 2017-10-20T13:55:00Z
Last updated on 2017-10-20T13:55:00Z Author:
Team Five 0
ID #:95835951
Greetings industrious capsuleers!
As some of you will have seen, the new Refineries and Moon Mining are available for testing on our test server Singularity and we are actively gathering your feedback in the forums. In this devblog, we will be giving you a bit more information about the structures themselves, the new rigs that will influence their performance and also introduce the Scheduler, which you use to set and initiate Moon Mining extractions. All of these additions to New Eden will be released in the Lifeblood Expansion on October 24th 2017.
Upwell Consortium delivers the third line of Structures: Refineries
Just as the Engineering Complexes brought diversity to the specialization of structures with their bonuses to Manufacturing and Science, and Citadels continue to be indomitable strongholds throughout New Eden with their combat focused hulls, the new Refineries stake their claim as the exclusive locations for both Moon Mining and Reactions activity, as well as the favored facilities for Reprocessing with their bonuses in these functions.
As with both the Citadels and the Engineering Complexes, Upwell has seen to keep some of the existing systems. As such, the key similarities between all Upwell Structures are:
All Upwell Structures use the same vulnerability, reinforcement and damage cap system for defense. The damage caps for each size of structure remain the same whether that structure is a Citadel or Engineering Complex or Refinery
All Upwell Structures use the same asset safety system for recovering contents when destroyed or unanchored
All Upwell Structures use the same access list system for managing access to the structure and its services
All Upwell Structures are dockable and include tethering for nearby friendly ships.
All core functions like refitting, repair, insurance, contracts and direct trade are available in all lines of structures.
Some of the major differences between the classes of structures are:
Each type of Upwell Structure hull is bonused to a different strength:
Citadels gain bonuses to combat rig strength and Citadel service module fuel use
Engineering Complexes gain bonuses to manufacturing/science jobs and engineering service module fuel use
Refineries gain bonuses to reprocessing and are the only structures that can be used for Moon Mining or to run Reactions
Both the Medium Refinery (Athanor) and the Large Refinery (Tatara) will require 20 hours of vulnerability weekly
Medium Refineries allow docking of subcapital and Freighter vessels, the same as their Citadel and Engineering Complex counterparts
Large Refineries share the same docking restrictions as Medium structures but will also allow the docking of Rorquals. No other capital ships can be docked at these structures.
With the release of the Upwell Refineries, Reactions (of all types) and Moon Mining will become exclusive to these new structures and they will no longer be performed in Player-Owned Starbases (POSes). Details about the changes to Reactions and the Service Modules that will perform these functions can be found in this devblog.
Moon Mining will be exclusive to Refineries when they are deployed in the Moon Mining Location around a viable moon. Full details about this process were listed in this devblog, but to summarize, here are the key points:
Refineries can be deployed in all regions of New Eden, including High Sec and Wormhole space. All Upwell Structures are built and deployed in the same way, with the same deployment location restrictions (not allowed in certain newbie or trade hub systems, must be placed at least 1000 km from other Upwell structures). However, the Moon Mining Drill Service Module cannot be fitted in a Refinery that is not in a valid Moon Mining location.
Every viable moon (every moon in Low Sec and Null Sec space with a few exceptions for the very large moons) now has a specific Moon Mining location. These locations are a new warpable option in the right-click and radial menus for moons: "Warp to moon mining location"
Only one Refinery can be deployed within 250km of the Moon Mining Location and extract moon ores from that moon
When deploying a Refinery, the UI will inform you if you are in a valid location, if you are in a valid location but cannot moon mine, or if you are in an invalid location:
When the designs for Refineries were first being fleshed out, we knew that tying a single structure to a single moon would amplify some of the combat issues that face other Upwell Structures. With valuable input from the CSM and the feedback they have sourced from the Community, we will be using the introduction of these structures to make a change to the vulnerability of ALL Upwell Structures:
When an Upwell Structure is first deployed, it will enter an initial 15-minute vulnerable state (with the same repair timer mechanics and damage caps) before entering the 24 hour Anchoring state.
Once anchored, the vulnerability of the structure will match the Vulnerability windows set by its owners.
This will mean that keeping control of the area in which you are planning to deploy your structure is paramount.
Further changes to the Vulnerability and Combat systems of all Upwell Structures are now underway and some early details about these upcoming changes can be found in the EVE Vegas Keynote.
As with all Upwell Structures, the new Refineries will be able to fit all the standard Standup Service Modules, allowing their occupants access to services ranging from Clone Bays to Manufacturing and the other basic services this line includes.
Athanor (Medium)
Role Bonus:
2% bonus to refining yield for all variants of Ore and Ice 20% reduction in Reprocessing and Reaction Service Module fuel consumption
Docking allowed for: all subcapital ships, freighters
The required materials for building an Athanor are:
Structure Construction Parts
Structure Hangar Array
Structure Storage Bay
Structure Repair Facility
Structure Reprocessing Plant
Structure Docking Bay
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor
Structure Acceleration Coils
At current market prices this represents a build cost of approximately 1.1 billion ISK (price is subject to capsuleer market fluctuations).
Tatara (Large)
Role Bonus:
4% bonus to refining yield for all variants of Ore and Ice 25% reduction in Reprocessing and Reaction Service Module fuel consumption 25% reduction in time requirements for reaction jobs
Docking allowed for: all subcapital ships, freighters, Rorquals
The required materials for building a Tatara are:
Structure Construction Parts
Structure Hangar Array
Structure Storage Bay
Structure Laboratory
Structure Factory
Structure Repair Facility
Structure Reprocessing Plant
Structure Docking Bay
Structure Market Network
Structure Medical Center
Structure Office Center
Structure Advertisement Nexus
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor
Structure Acceleration Coils
At current market prices this represents a build cost of approximately 9.6 billion ISK (price is subject to capsuleer market fluctuations).
Refining your performance: Rigs and Bonuses
While the structures themselves have bonuses to Reprocessing, Upwell are also introducing rigs to improve the functionality exclusive to these new structures. These are focused on the activities that only these structures can perform: Reactions and Moon Mining.
Rigs that effect the Moon Drill come in two sizes, Medium and Large.
Moon Drilling Efficiency - these rigs effect the volume of the moon chunk that is pulled from the moon, in relation to the amount of time set for the extraction.
Moon Ore Stability - these rigs effect the radius of the asteroid belt created when the moon chunk is exploded, making them easier and faster to mine. They also effect the stability of the ores, increasing the time until the chunk automatically explodes and increasing the time the asteroids take to decay.
Moon Ore Stability Rig M Tech 1 - Asteroid belt radius -20%, Time before self explode +20%, Asteroid decay time +50%
Moon Ore Stability Rig M Tech 2 - Asteroid belt radius -24%, Time before self explode +24%, Asteroid decay time +100%
Moon Drilling Proficiency - These large rigs combine the benefits of both Moon Drilling Efficiency rigs and Moon Ore Stability rigs
Moon Drilling Proficiency Rig L Tech 1 - Volume/time up by 2%, Asteroid belt radius -20%, Time before self explode +20%, Asteroid decay time +50%
Moon Drilling Proficiency Rig L Tech 2 - Volume/time up by 2.4%, Asteroid belt radius -24%, Time before self explode +24%, Asteroid decay time +100%
Details about the rigs that effect Reactions can be found here.
Reprocessing Rigs and their Blueprints
With the release of Refinery Structures that are bonused to reprocessing, we are planning some changes to the existing reprocessing rigs that were released with Citadels in the Citadel Expansion. As Refineries are only available in the Medium and Large size, unlike Citadels and Engineering Complexes which also have an Extra Large version, we have had to make some changes to the value of the XL rigs. The following changes will then be made on the day of release:
All reprocessing rigs are receiving upgrades to the breadth of ores that receive their bonuses. Existing M reprocessing rigs will be consolidated into one variant that applies to all standard ores and one variant that applies to all ice. A new variant that applies to moongoo ore will also be added, reducing the total number of M reprocessing rigs from 4 to 3. Existing L reprocessing rigs will be consolidated into a single rig type that applies to all forms of ore and ice
Since L reprocessing rigs will now provide exactly the same benefits as XL reprocessing rigs we are reducing the cost of XL reprocessing rigs to the same level as L rigs
The strength of the reprocessing bonuses provided by all reprocessing rigs will be reduced slightly (a 1% absolute reduction in the base highsec yield for both T1 and T2 rigs)
All reprocessing rigs (M, L and XL) will be unfitted from their current locations and placed in the Corp Deliveries hangar of the structure in which they are located. The owners of the structure will then be able to decide if they wish to keep them in their current location or move them to a new Refinery once it has been built
All XL reprocessing rig items (and their corresponding blueprints) will be duplicated to compensate for the change in build requirements and value. All duplicate blueprints will hold the same levels of research as the ones currently owned. Extra rigs and blueprints owned by characters will be placed in the owner's personal Item Hangar in their home station. Extra rigs and blueprints owned by a corporation will be placed in the Corp Deliveries hangar in the corp HQ station
Standup Moon Drill I
The Standup Moon Drill I Service Module is installed as a regular service module in a structure, taking a Service Module slot, but it is exclusive to Refineries that have been deployed in a valid Moon Mining location. Once they have been fitted, they grant access to the Scheduler (described below) from which Moon Mining extractions can be controlled. Fitting this module requires the same access as any other structure fittings, and like other service modules, it requires fuel to Online and to run.
Fittings: 10,000 PWG, 200 CPU
Fuel usage: 360 fuel to online / 5 fuel per hour
Scheduling your Extractions
All pilots who have access to Take Control of a Structure will be able to Schedule and initiate a Moon Mining Extraction. However, only those pilots with the Station Manager role will be able to cancel an ongoing extraction.
Through the Scheduler, Structure Controllers will be able to determine how long they wish an extraction to take and to find a time that suits them and their miner buddies to gather for the harvest. The amount of time chosen will determine the size of the moon chunk being extracted on a linear scale. Extractions can be set at any period between 6 days and 56 days to complete.
Ratios/types/volumes reflect not the final stats in-game
The Extraction Scheduling window allows:
Setting a Ready date by manually entering a desired time and date, or through manipulating the slider
Determining when an extraction will be ready in conjunction with when the Structure will be vulnerable
Estimating the volume of ore that the moon chunk will hold, for better organization of your mining fleet needs
Ability to add the Extraction event to your Corporation Calendar, to inform your members when to assemble for the harvest
Once a Moon Extraction has been set, the Moon Drill will fire at the moon and begin to draw a chunk of the moon towards the Refinery. This process will take several days, and during this time the chunk cannot be disrupted, except by those with the Station Manager role (who are able to stop the drilling process), or if the Moon Drill Module is offlined or the structure is destroyed. If this happens whilst an extraction is in progress, the chunk will be destroyed and a new extraction will have to be started from the beginning.
Ratios/types/volumes reflect not the final stats in-game
Once the extraction time has passed and the chunk of moon has been pulled into position next to the refinery, the next stage of the process can begin.
Once a chunk is ready, the structure controllers will fire the Moon Drill laser at the chunk to explode it into an asteroid field of mine-able asteroids comprising the moon ores. Miners in the vicinity can then mine these asteroids as normal to receive the riches within them. All asteroids mined from this field will be logged in the Corporation Mining Ledger of the Refinery owning corporation and details about the ledger can be found here.
Please note that if no one detonates the moon chunk once it is ready, it will automatically explode into a field after 3 hours (or longer if the appropriate rig is fitted). This could happen if no one fires the laser, or the Moon Drill runs out of fuel after the extraction has finished, or if the structure has been reinforced.
Once a chunk has been shattered into asteroids, the Moon Drill can be used to start another extraction. A new extraction can be started before all of the asteroids have been mined out. The moon ore asteroids are also not perpetual and will decay approximately two days after the chunk is fractured. Miners are free to mine the choicest of rocks, leaving those less suitable to their needs to the ravages of the harsh vacuum of space. This decay lifetime can be extended up to four days with rigs, but asteroids will always expire before the next chunk can be fractured.
But wait, there's more! Jackpot asteroids
On rare occasions the Moon Drill can penetrate a particularly rich vein of ore on the moon's surface and the resulting chunk will yield far richer treasures. Although the composition of the chunk will still correspond to the moon, the moongoo ore that is brought up in the chunk and blasted into the asteroid field has a yield of 100% more materials when reprocessed.
More details about the new ores that can be found in moons and how they will be distributed across New Eden can be found here.
Help test these features with us
We want to give a great loud shout out to all of you who have been helping us test and stress these features on the Singularity test server. Your time spent contributing to help us get these structures and all of the supporting features we have planned into a releasable state has been invaluable. We want you to know that we appreciate your help.
Thank you from all of us, not just on Team Five-0, but throughout the Eve Development team.
If you haven't yet, but would like to join your fellow capsuleers in helping us out, please check out these details on how you can test on Sisi, or add your comments here on the forums. All feedback is welcome.
Thank you again, and we'll see you in space.
Team Five-0
Keywords: The Goo must flow: Everything about Refineries and Moon mining
Introducing the Mining Ledger - New tools for miners in EVE Online
Published Date: 2017-10-16T14:36:09Z
Last updated on 2017-10-16T14:36:09Z Author:
Team Five 0
ID #:95835951
Greetings capsuleers,
With the October 24th Lifeblood Expansion fast approaching we want to introduce you to a mining activity tracking tool we will be releasing to complement Lifeblood’s Moon Mining and Reactions changes. The Mining Ledger allows both individuals and corporations to track mining activity in order to make more informed decisions about their industrial enterprise.
Spreadsheets in Space
When we first began discussing plans for the new Refineries structures and the changes to Moon Mining with the Council of Stellar Management, the rationale of increasing the amount of information available to both individuals and corporations gained more weight and importance. There was a clear call from the CSM for corporations and alliances to be able to track who is mining the materials cleaved from moons by refinery structures, and the developers saw a strong need for all pilots to be able to track their own individual mining activity. Out of these discussions the Personal and Corporate Mining Ledgers were born.
Personal Mining Ledger
We know that a vast majority of you love graphs, and so we've made sure your personal mining activity is represented in ways you like best: lines and bars - with filters to boot!
The Personal Mining Ledger tracks all of the mining activity done by a character, anywhere in New Eden. It allows pilots to see the types of ores, gas and ice they’ve collected, the areas of space they frequent, and of course their activity over time. As a pilot mines, the mining information is collected and batched into days in order to create a personal mining history.
We have been gathering the mining data of each individual pilot in New Eden since the June release to allow miners a glimpse into their activity history when the ledger is released.
The ledger can be accessed through the Business section of the Neocom and is available to all pilots in all areas of space. Just like other tools, the Ledger can be dragged from this section to your Neocom, so that it is always readily available. For more details about customizing your Neocom, check out this great Eve University page about all the functionalities available.
To try out the Personal Ledger before the Lifeblood Expansion on October 24th, login to the Singularity test server to try it for yourself.
Corporate Mining Ledger
Keeping the books straight and your members in line is the eternal work of all BPM gurus. The Corporate Mining Ledger grants information on who exactly has been mining your moon ore, both friend and foe.
The Corporate Mining Ledger is tied to mining activity around Refineries. Once a Refinery has extracted a moon chunk from its nearby moon and exploded this chunk into a field of moon material asteroids, capsuleers can mine these asteroids through normal mining activity. Who mines these asteroids, what corporation they belong to and how much they mine, is tracked in the Corporate Mining Ledger. This information is available to capsuleers with the Accountant, Director or CEO role in the corporation that owns the structure when the asteroid is mined.
It is worth noting that this information is not available in real-time and corporations must be vigilant in their guarding against those who may wish to steal their precious ores.
APIs, Exports and you
The information in both the Personal Mining Ledger and the Corporate Mining Ledger is being presented in this simple format as we know that each individual and individual group will have their own needs and ways of using this information. Group size, organizational structure and internal tax policies are just a few aspects that affect how this information can be used. Rather than restrict this use through formatting, we are presenting this to you as openly as possible in order to give you the chance to make the most of your mining.
The information in the Personal and Corporate Mining Ledgers can be exported to your Clipboard or reached through the API endpoints due to be published shortly. We are looking forward to the tools that our very talented 3rd Party Developer community creates in this regard. More about some of their already released projects, can be found here.
The specifications for these API end points have been released and details on their scopes can be found here.
That's it for this installment. Thank you and fly safe.
Team Five-0
Keywords: Introducing the Mining Ledger - New tools for miners in EVE Online
Published Date: 2017-09-26T18:11:18Z
Last updated on 2017-09-26T18:11:18Z Author:
CCP Falcon
ID #:92532650
Greetings capsuleers!
Have you seen the launch trailer for EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone yet? Check it out here:
It’s hard to believe it was all the way back in 2013 when the EVR project was showcased to the community at Fanfest, with the overwhelming support that followed allowing this project to become a fully-fledged game in EVE: Valkyrie. Since then we’ve had the pleasure to continue opening our doors to more and more players on different platforms, using different virtual reality headsets, all the while keeping one unified playerbase.
Now with the release of the Warzone expansion, we’re taking our biggest step yet and removing the requirement of a VR headset, while sticking with our mantra of keeping all players together.
Whether you are VR or flatscreen, mouse and keyboard or controller, PC or console, you can fly, fight and die together.
In my completely biased opinion as a level designer, probably my favourite additions in Warzone are our two brand new maps. It’s both a treat and a privilege to glimpse into New Eden and look for compelling locations and ideas that inspire the maps of EVE: Valkyrie. This time around, we looked at two extremes – the Sisters of EVE, who contrast sharply with the threatening presence of the Drifters.
Our Fleet map is situated at a Sisters of EVE station, with traffic continuously flowing through, including some iconic SoE ships, such as the Stratios and Nestor. It’s a bright and bustling location where you’ll have to keep some situational awareness about you; bigger ships aren’t going to give way to the smaller crafts flown by the Valkyrie and Schism pilots.
Meanwhile in our Outpost map, mostly comprised of a dark and foreboding circular structure, it’s possible to fly up close to Drifter battleships… although you may not necessarily want to!
All our maps both old and new alike now feature a brand-new game mode: Extraction. Here you will be tasked with locating and delivering relics hidden throughout our maps, while preventing the enemy team from doing so. Our maps being as large as they are, this is also a brilliant opportunity for us to get players exploring lesser-visited areas – the universe of EVE Online befits that we create enormous maps to accommodate the structures and ships we want to see up close, and Extraction feels like we get to make greater use of these immense spaces.
That’s certainly not all though! As well as new locations and a new game mode, Warzone brings a refreshed roster of ships that are all immediately available for you to fly, brand new Ultra abilities, a new progression system that allows you to customise each ship, and a plethora of improvements across our UI and HUD.
If you’re looking for more info, we suggest checking out the Valkyrie website: www.EVEValkyrie.com. For a full breakdown of all the new features and functions in the Warzone expansion, take a look at this article on our blog.
To celebrate EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone’s launch and to welcome a new generation of pilots to the fold, we've an exciting Launch Bundle available on PS4 and Steam until October 24th. The Launch Bundle retails for USD $29.99SRP and includes the Drifter Pack at no additional cost.
As we introduce a new swathe of players into Valkyrie, I’m thrilled at the prospect that perhaps even more capsuleers will take up this new opportunity to join us for some intense dogfighting action!
Published Date: 2017-09-18T15:00:28Z
Last updated on 2017-09-18T15:00:28Z Author:
CCP Falcon
ID #:92532650
The time to kick off EVE Vegas 2017 is drawing closer and in just a few weeks, more than a thousand capsuleers will descend on Sin City for the largest ever gathering of pilots outside EVE Fanfest.
With roundtables, presentations, charity raffles & movie screenings, the legendary EVE Vegas Party, plus a switch of pace from the traditional pub crawl to the Pub Night & Highroller Experience this year, there’s something for EVE Players from all walks of life at this year’s event.
With the Pub Night & Highroller Experience also sold out, the same applies for tickets to this event. Similarly, the party only tickets have also sold out, however if more become available, we’ll be sure to inform those who’re waiting.
We still have a few tickets left for the charity screening of Blade Runner 2049 on October 8th, however all the VIP tickets for this event have already sold out too.
Be sure to join the wait lists and keep your eye on your email and the EVE Online News for more information.
Checking in at EVE Vegas 2017
You’ll be able to check in and collect your EVE Vegas 2017 access pass, as well as tickets and wristbands for other events that you’re attending from 11:00 on October 6th, at The Linq’s convention center where EVE Vegas 2017 is hosted.
Our amazing team of volunteers and developers will be on hand to make sure you have everything you need, and that you’re checked in as quickly and smoothly as possible!
Check in will continue throughout each day of the event during program hours.
EVE Vegas 2017 will kick off at 14:00 PDT (21:00 UTC), with Welcome to EVE Vegas.
Days two and three of EVE Vegas begin at 10:00 PDT (17:00 UTC).
Here’s a quick rundown of developer presentations during EVE Vegas 2017. In addition to this, these sessions will all be supplemented by roundtables and some amazing player presented content.
Check the full digital schedule for all the details!
(All times are PDT/UTC)
Day One – October 6th:
14:00/21:00 – Welcome to EVE Vegas
15:00/22:00 – EVE Online Keynote
16:00/23:00 – CCP Presents
Day Two – October 7th:
10:00/17:00 – Resource Wars
11:00/18:00 – Shipyards & Future PVE
14:00/21:00 – Upwell Structures
15:00/22:00 – EVE: Valkyrie – Enter The Warzone
16:00/23:00 – Ships & Modules
Day Three – October 8th:
11:00/18:00 – Events & The Agency
14:00/21:00 – Art of EVE
16:00/23:00 – Closing Ceremony
Please be aware that the lineup is subject to change, so be sure to keep up to date by checking the digital schedule!
Welcome to EVE Vegas & The EVE Online Keynote
Due to the huge size of EVE Vegas this year, we anticipate that the main presentation hall, Showroom, may fill to capacity for these two presentations, along with several of our larger and most attended developer presentations.
With this in mind, we’ll be taking a leaf from the book of Fanfests past, and will be hosting a secondary live feed of the presentations in Social, where we’ll also have the EVE Store, as well as EVE Online, EVE Valkyrie and Sparc sessions ongoing.
This room will also be equipped with a bar (of course!), so if you’d prefer, you can chill out, grab a beer with some wingmen and watch the presentations from there.
Please be aware that seating in Showroom will be on a first come first serve basis until the room is filled to capacity.
Streaming Schedule
All the major events, announcements and information from EVE Vegas 2017 will be streamed live on the CCP Twitch Channel for free, so if you can’t attend, you don’t miss out.
You’ll be able to check out all the action, as well as a few gameplay demonstration videos and interviews with developers and attendees over the course of the full three days.
We’ll also be running a whole host of giveaways and contests over the course of the three days of EVE Vegas, so be sure to tune in for your chance to win some kick ass prizes!
Keep your eyes on the news for more information on the streaming schedule this week, and be sure to click the icons below and follow us on our various social media platforms for updates, contests and more!
Pub Night & Highroller Experience
October 6th – 18:30 – 23:00 PDT
The legendary EVE Vegas pub crawl has continued to develop over the years, and for 2017 we’re kicking it up a notch while at the same time taking advantage of some of the facilities at The Linq – our new venue for this year.
To shake things up a little this year, we’ll be kicking the evening off at 18:30 PDT with drinks at The Pool @ The Linq, before heading over for a 30-minute ride on the High Roller at 20:00 PDT. From there, at 21:00 PDT we’ll be headed over to an open bar with pub games at Virgil’s BBQ, where we’ll have the 2nd floor patio reserved for EVE Vegas attendees.
The EVE Vegas 2017 Party – Drai’s Nightclub
October 7th – 19:00 – 22:00 PDT
Following three great years at the Chateau Nightclub and Rooftop we wanted to make some changes to the celebration this year.
With it's spacious dancefloor and outdoor area overlooking the stunning cityscape of the Las Vegas Strip, Drai's, our new venue for the EVE Vegas 2017 party is conveniently located only 5 minute walk away from the LINQ – and as we’ve already announced, the one and only Permaband will be headlining the EVE Vegas Saturday night party.
The party starts at 19:00 PDT and features 3-hours open bar service. All attendees meeting Drai’s dress code will be able to stay at the club once it opens doors to the public at 22:00, free of charge!
Given Drai’s ambitious line-up on weekends, and how hard it can be to get into the club, this can be an excellent opportunity for EVE Vegas guests to experience the very best of what Las Vegas nightlife has to offer.
Bladerunner 2049 Charity Screening
October 8th – 19:30 – 22:00 PDT
Blade Runner 2049 premiers during the weekend of EVE Vegas 2017 and to wrap-up North America's biggest EVE gathering to date, we've organized a special fundraiser event that includes private screening of the film for EVE players & developers attending this years' EVE Vegas to enjoy.
All proceeds of the event, including donations made by EVE Online players around the world, will go towards the AbleGamers Charity.
CCP Games covers the cost for the event, and our goal for this event is to raise $5,000 in support of The AbleGamers Charity.
The EVE Store is back at EVE Vegas in force this year, with new apparel, accessories, and maybe a community orientated piece of swag or two.
In addition to this, we’ll also have the winning shirt from our EVE Vegas contest, “EVEolution”, on sale in the EVE Vegas Store this year.
Be sure to check out “Welcome to EVE Vegas” for a little more information on what’ll be on offer in the store this year.
Charity Ventures
As well as the charity screening of Blade Runner 2049 that will take place in support of The AbleGamers Charity this year, we’ll also be hosting a Silent Auction for several server blades from the Tranquility cluster at EVE Vegas 2017.
In addition to this, as always, raffle tickets will be on sale during the course of the whole event, and we’ll be raffling a number of prizes during the closing ceremony.
Check out “Welcome to EVE Vegas” on day one for more information on our sponsors, and their contributions to this year’s charity efforts!
EVE Vegas 2017 is close, and is without a doubt going to be the biggest EVE Vegas yet.
Over here at CCP, we’re incredibly excited to be shipping out to Nevada in just a few weeks to spend some quality time with the community. So much so, that we had to tie CCP Guard up and sedate him for a few hours while I wrote this blog because he got so excited.
EVE Vegas 2017 kicks off in just three weeks. We’ll see you there, or we’ll see you in twitch chat!
Published Date: 2017-09-11T16:15:00Z
Last updated on 2017-09-11T16:15:00Z Author:
Team Size Matters
ID #:95835960
Hello daring pilots!
In this blog, we're sharing some more details about the recently announced team focus on ships and modules, and will show you some specific changes coming this October in the EVE Online: Lifeblood expansion.
Balance Team?
Let’s start with talking a little about how we do balance work and what is changing.
The most important thing to know is that game balance is a complex effort which incorporates every gameplay team working on EVE. Whether our devs are working on structures, events, ships, modules, territory ownership, or the new player experience, you can be sure that there will be reverberations in the economy, in the combat meta, and in activity levels across all different types of space. Balance work requires careful, widespread consideration and it’s a constant effort by all parties involved to adjust EVE as carefully as possible.
The changes we are making now are meant to increase our overall bandwidth and investment in ship and module related work specifically. The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) has been advocating heavily for more rapid and consistent balance changes, and we agree that it’s a good time to put more focus on this area. We are also allocating more time to experiment with totally new mechanics and concepts for ships and modules. Rather than forming a totally new team, Team Size Matters will be shifting priorities in this direction.
You should still expect to see balance work from all the EVE dev teams, but hopefully in the coming months you see more focus on ships and module balance and some brand-new mechanics introduced to EVE.
Frigate, Destroyer and Cruiser Balance Changes
With that covered, let’s talk about the changes coming up in the Lifeblood expansion on October 24th. These changes are aimed at providing some new options for players flying Tech I Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers. They are a long time coming but we are happy to finally get them in. Here’s what we have planned:
The Rifter has always been the most popular Minmatar frigate (and still is), but it isn't performing quite as well as its competition. We are going to switch the utility high, which doesn't get used very often, to a low. Hopefully this makes way for some new options as an armor brawler or an artillery platform that will serve to separate the Rifter from the Slasher and the Breacher.
-1 High slot
+1 Low slot
The Dragoon is a bit of a cap warfare specialist, so we don't expect huge usage, but it's still be lower than we want. We are proposing to keep the theme and overall feel of the Dragoon but move one of its high slots to a mid so it has more flexible control and capacitor options to go along with its slower fighting style. A little extra fitting room will help as well.
-1 High slot
+1 Mid slot
+5 CPU
Not to be rude, but the Corax is a bit on the heavy side. We're going to lower its mass significantly and it is still going to be 50,000 kg heavier than the second heaviest destroyer. The added speed and agility should make the Corax feel much better to fly. We're also going to turn that burn into beef where it counts by giving the Corax some more shield HP.
-150,000 Mass
+50 shield HP
The Arbitrator is in the strange position of being sole the representative for secondary weapons systems in the Amarr tech one cruiser lineup, while also being in the ewar category. We are going to give the Arbitrator fitting room so it can be used more easily as generalist combat ships alongside its ewar support role. We are also going to bump lock range so they it a more realistic shot at putting those ewar bonuses to use. The Arbitrator is going to pick up an extra launcher slot as well to make missile focused fits stronger.
+120 PG
+45 CPU
+1 Launcher Slot
+20k Lock Range
The Bellicose is is much the same position as the Arbitrator, as the sole representative for secondary weapons systems in the Minmatar tech one cruiser lineup. It will also receive more fitting room so that it becomes better suited to an all around combat role, as well as increased lock range to be able to put its ewar bonuses to better use.
+75 PG
+40 CPU
+20k Lock Range
The Omen seems to come up a bit short on fitting and capacitor in many situations, even though the ship has a lot of potential. We're going to bump the fitting room up and give it a larger capacitor pool to give cap boosterless fits more time space to work with.
+75 PG
+15 CPU
+125 Capacitor
+39,000 Capacitor Recharge Rate (cap/s stays the same as before)
The Stabber has always gotten a pretty bad rap and that's reflected in its popularity. That said, it's a solid support killer and shows very high kill efficiency among those pilots who do use it. After considering a few options we are going to go with the Tempest treatment rather than change the slot layout. Frigate Pilots beware!
+2.5% Rate of Fire bonus per Minmatar Cruiser level (7.5% per level total)
The Tristan is quite the little monster. It offers extreme versatility and power in many configurations. We don't think it needs massive changes though, as we are happy to see a ship where so many fitting strategies and gameplay styles are viable. A small increase to mass will slow it down slightly, giving other pilots a little more hope of catching up and pinning it down.
+88,000 Mass
Like the Tristan, the Vexor is extremely popular due to its versatility. In the case of the Vexor we do feel that it is too easy to fit an enormous tank without sacrificing much damage due to all the free fitting room afforded by drone warfare not requiring high slot weapons. We are going to bring the power grid down to put more pressure on big tank fits.
-100 PG
Next Steps
We hope this pass, while not addressing every balance issue, sets a good tone for the kind of changes we want to make. We haven’t nailed down the next set of changes in detail, but we are looking at Tech I Battlecruisers and Battleships, Pirate and Navy faction ships, and Tech II classes like Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers all as potential candidates. We’ll keep you up to date as we progress and hope to have consistent, incremental changes like these coming at a quick pace alongside long-term reworks and totally new ships.
We look forward to your feedback,
Fly Free!
- Team Size Matters
Keywords: Balance Update With EVE Online: Lifeblood
Published Date: 2017-09-06T14:14:00Z
Last updated on 2017-09-06T14:14:00Z Author:
Team Genesis
ID #:95835957
Greetings Capsuleers!
Today we're really excited to share our plans for a new feature called Resource Wars. Coming your way in the upcoming October expansion, EVE Online: Lifeblood, Resource Wars will enable you to continue fighting for your Empire in sites called Mining Expeditions all across high-sec space.
After warping to a Mining Expedition's heavily worked asteroid fields, you can take part in the struggles of New Eden's empires to mine rare ores that are the lifeblood of their war machines. You’ll have to hold off ruthless pirate raiders hoping to seize these riches from your empire, so that the Mining Expedition's freighters can safely deliver their precious cargo to the empire's refineries and shipyards. It's vital that your empire recover as much as possible from the depleted asteroid fields as they look to build up their fleets into ever more powerful armadas. You and your friends will be critical to their efforts.
For decades, each of the four core empires have been sending Mining Expeditions into these asteroid fields to harvest the vast quantities of ore required to manufacture advanced technologies. These extremely important strategic resources have been gathered under the watchful eyes of each empire's dedicated military logistics and supply corporation. They have surveyed all existing mining expeditions and determined that they are rapidly being exhausted with pirate raiders wreaking havoc on their returns. A high priority is now being placed on extracting all remaining resources in the face of growing pirate raids. As Blood Raiders, Guristas Pirates, Serpentis and Angel Cartel attack these desperate operations, it is essential that capsuleers play their part in the resource wars between the empires and the pirates.
You and your fleet mates will form a strike team with the empire mining expedition fleet to warp to these previously secure sites and survey the environment to select the best asteroid clusters to focus on. If you choose to mine with the fleet, your role will be to gather the resources as quickly as possible and deposit the rare ore into waiting haulers. If you fit for combat, you will defend the fleet miners against the incoming pirates and their reinforcement waves. After your force enters a site, mine the asteroids and eliminate the pirates as quickly as possible before heading to the next site once the haulers are filled and warp away. These sites will contain a new asteroid type, never seen before in New Eden.
The Mining Expedition sites are located in each empire's own space all across high sec. With 5 tiers, they are an ideal place for new players, veterans and everyone in between to work together towards a shared goal with clear goals, objectives, and feedback. The reward for successfully completing the sites will be ISK, standings and LP with the new Resource Wars corporations.
These newly available corporations are:
Imperial War Reserves of the Amarr Empire
State Military Stockpile of the Caldari State
Federal Strategic Materiel of the Gallente Federation
Republic Fleet Ordnance of the Minmatar Republic
Increasing your standing with the corporations will allow you to enter more restricted sites where you fill higher capacity haulers and face tougher opponents. For those you’ll be able to bring higher tier ships and earn greater rewards for your efforts. Tier 1 of the mining expedition sites will be open to Corvettes and Frigates, with expedition sites opening up to Battleships at Tier 5. The sites will have a maximum capacity, but your empire does not expect you to share your reward so the number of players who enter the site alongside you will have no impact on the payouts.
While in the site, you will notice that the empire's ships have new SKINs--a unique one for each empire. These will be available to you inside reward crates available for Loyalty Points (LP) and ISK from each empire's Resource Wars corporation LP stores.
These reward crates will also contain a selection of ships with basic modules to complete a fit and a fitting plan. We want to allow players to participate in the Resource Wars, earn standings to unlock the higher tiers, and use their ISK and LP to buy the next tier reward crate from the LP store. As these ship packages feature a unique Resource Wars SKIN and will be available via the LP store through all stations in each empire’s sovereign high-sec space, they will cost more than purchasing the same hull straight from the market.
As we head towards the launch of the EVE Online: Lifeblood expansion on October 24th, we will keep you updated on Resource Wars as it progresses, sneak peaks of the new SKINS, and other possible items we’re considering for the new reward crates.
Reactions redefined - New industry opportunities for you
Published Date: 2017-08-24T15:15:00Z
Last updated on 2017-08-24T15:15:00Z Author:
Team Five 0
ID #:95835951
Greetings capsuleers!
As outlined in the last devblog about the changes to moon mining and further details about the Refinery structures coming this winter to EVE Online, we in Team Five-0 are happy to now bring you details about the changes that will be happening to Reactions in all their forms.
Reactions are the industrial activity that turns moon materials into more advanced materials that can be used for a number of advanced industries, such as creating Boosters or Tech II ammunition, modules and ships. Currently, there are five different types of Reactions; each requiring a different type of module in a POS Array.
The current schema will end with the winter release. Instead, Reactions will become EXCLUSIVE to Refineries, in both the Athanor (Medium Refinery) and the Tatara (Large Refinery). Reaction activity will be tied to Service Modules which can be fitted to either of these structures and will act just like other Upwell Services.
New Reactions Service Modules
Three types of Service Modules for Reactions will be introduced, substituting five modules from Starbases (POSes)
Standup Composite Reactor I performs both Simple and Advanced Reactions (Tech 2)
Standup Biochemical Reactor I performs both Biochemical and Medium Biochemical Reactions (Boosters)
Standup Hybrid Reactor I performs Hybrid Reactions (Tech 3)
Service Modules require fuel to online and to run (like any other Structure Service Module)
New Reactions Rigs
Alongside the new Reactions Service Modules will be Reactions Rigs, designed to affect the duration and efficiency of running Reactions in the new Refineries. These rigs are size specific (either Medium or Large) and follow the same fitting rules as other Upwell Structure rigs. They will affect Efficiency (material efficiency of reactions) or Time (duration of reaction process). Medium Rigs will improve one variable and Large Rigs will improve both variables.
Introducing Reaction Formulas
When a Reaction Service Module is fitted and onlined in a Refinery, it will make the service available in the Industry window. Reactions will use Reaction Formulas, similar to other Industrial activities which use blueprints. These will act the same way as Blueprint Originals (BPOs) in that they have infinite runs but they cannot be researched or copied.
After the Winter release date, Reactions will work like other Industrial activities: X amount of resources, processed alongside a Reaction Formula, provide Y amount of product.
In this new system, Reaction jobs will need to be set up and started like other Industry jobs. Although Reaction Formulas have an infinite number of runs (like BPOs), they will need to be set for a limited amount of runs, based on the Input resources available. As with other Upwell Services, the job will be paused if the Service Module is offlined either through loss of fuel or going into an Armor Reinforced state, but the job will resume when the module is onlined again. Unfitting or destroying the Service Module will cancel all Reaction jobs that are running.
New Reactions System Cost Index
Reaction jobs will contribute to their own System Cost Index when calculating the cost of installing the job. This System Cost Index will use the same formula as current industrial activities:
Reactions in Refineries can be taxed by the owners of the structure, and the level of tax will be defined by them through Access Control Lists. This tax is independent of other activities being performed in the Refinery.
New Reactions Skills
All characters will be able to run Reactions, including those in an Alpha state, but only Omega pilots will be able to improve their operating efficiency in this area. New skills that determine their ability to run Reactions efficiently and effectively will be introduced prior to the Winter release, to allow pilots time to train them up in time. The effects of these skills are exclusive to Reaction activities. They will not affect a character's ability to perform other industrial activities such as Manufacturing or Invention, and other Industry skills will not affect their Reaction activity.
Reactions: Speeds up reaction jobs by 4% per level
Mass Reactions: Allows one additional Reaction job per character per level
Advanced Mass Reactions: Allows one additional Reaction job per character per level
Remote Reactions: Each level increases the distance at which Reaction jobs can be started. Level 1 allows for jobs at a range within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level adds 5 more jumps to the range, with a maximum of a 25-jump range
Release Day Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What will happen to my current Reaction jobs at Downtime on Release Day?
A: They will continue to run until Downtime on Release Day, but will be stopped at this point. They will not be able to be restarted in a POS array.
Q: What will happen to my current POS array?
A: POS Reactor arrays will remain anchored in space but will be offline after the Release. Your Reactor Arrays will not be able to be onlined again. No new arrays will be able to be manufactured and no new arrays can be anchored. Any jobs to manufacture arrays that are running at the time of the release will continue to run (will not be paused or cancelled) and the arrays will be delivered to the manufacturer once the job has completed. It will not be possible to anchor or online these arrays.
Q: What do you plan to do with this defunct equipment in the future?
A: As we have done previously, a compensation plan will be put in place in the future to reimburse the investment capsuleers have put into this equipment.
That's all for now. Be sure to add your feedback to the Comments section of this devblog. Fly safe!
-Team Five-0
Keywords: Reactions redefined - New industry opportunities for you!
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