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Last Visit:01 July 2005 at 01:00:00Login | Top 10 Posters
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status icon feelings gif  CCP's Fanfest live stream
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25/04/2013 23:01:43
0 34022 DaOpa Check out CCP
25/04/2013 23:01:43
status icon feelings gif  Eve-Online .. better and better
not valid icon
19/09/2006 12:59:22
2 20883 Flyff I am also loyal fans of this game, we can...
10/03/2012 07:11:04
status icon feelings gif  Internet Upgrade / Site will be down 12 PM EST Time
not valid icon
18/11/2011 16:30:15
1 17131 Magi This was completed with minimal downtim...
20/11/2011 13:20:21
status icon feelings gif  For Guilds/Clans
not valid icon
19/04/2010 17:51:04
0 18180 Messenger Do you like a good dogfight? Love large...
19/04/2010 17:51:04
status icon feelings gif  LP Suggestion
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17/03/2010 18:19:52
0 17116 id99202 Would be nice to have the option to add...
17/03/2010 18:19:52
status icon feelings gif  Power Outage - Extended Site Outage
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17/03/2010 08:46:05
0 16940 DaOpa Greetings, My town & state got hit with...
17/03/2010 08:46:05
status icon feelings gif  GM Ultra Mega Super Death Ray
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25/10/2009 23:27:59
0 20470 DaOpa Ouchie .. looks like the GMs have all the...
25/10/2009 23:27:59
status icon feelings gif  Titan Mega Weapon!
not valid icon
14/10/2009 13:49:23
0 18228 DaOpa The Titan doomsday weapon is going to change...
14/10/2009 13:49:23
status icon feelings gif  EVE Fanfest 2008 Videos
not valid icon
08/11/2008 21:42:18
3 19551 Magi Another walking around in stations "Ambulation"...
08/11/2008 21:59:29
status icon feelings gif  Guest Posting Enabled
not valid icon
11/12/2007 05:02:07
5 20911 Magi Ouchie .. im starting to get hit with alot...
10/09/2009 14:04:30
status icon feelings gif  GM Module: Mega
not valid icon
12/02/2009 20:08:48
1 19280 ctx1769 stick it on a shuttle
20/08/2009 10:19:06
status icon feelings gif  DUST 514 FPS & RTS Style Gameplay
not valid icon
19/08/2009 02:58:43
3 18075 ctx1769 looks interesting
20/08/2009 09:30:48
status icon feelings gif  Price Check on Hanger Loot
not valid icon
02/07/2009 20:18:15
1 20403 DaOpa Yes .. someone .. give me a price check...
19/07/2009 19:53:45
status icon feelings gif  What matters ...
not valid icon
11/05/2009 14:41:08
1 17585 Anonymous Your $14.95 Eve Account perfectly Strikes...
27/06/2009 14:48:56
status icon feelings gif  T3 config tool suggession
not valid icon
20/06/2009 23:01:54
1 18261 Magi The parts you pick ? or everything / stats...
21/06/2009 12:54:57
status icon feelings gif  Minor update fixes to the T3 Config tool
not valid icon
17/06/2009 15:06:36
0 17556 Magi There was 2 typo / errors in the T3 Config...
17/06/2009 15:06:36
status icon feelings gif  T3 Minnie and Amarr Video
not valid icon
22/03/2009 03:49:49
0 18631 Magi T3 Minnie and Amarr Video, showcase video...
22/03/2009 03:49:49
status icon feelings gif  Apocrypha Expansion Intro
not valid icon
23/02/2009 15:45:19
0 18902 Magi Apocrypha Expansion Intro: This is the new...
23/02/2009 15:45:19
status icon feelings gif  Ship Videos section-
not valid icon
16/12/2008 15:49:39
0 21589 Magi The ship videos section is out of date -...
16/12/2008 15:49:39
status icon feelings gif  LP Store Database
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03/10/2007 17:43:45
0 31427 Magi EVE LP Store Database is live on our eve...
03/10/2007 17:43:45
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EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. CCP hf. has granted permission to 'Static Corp / DaOpa's EVE-Online Fansite' to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not in any way affiliated with, 'Static Corp / DaOpa's EVE-Online Fansite'. CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website.

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