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  > Legends of Might & Magic - Clan RD Site
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      > RD getting a councial
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1 Author Message

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magic cool
Rookie Rookie

02 January 2003

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02 September 2005
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Status:magic cool - Offline
Posted on 03 February 2003 at 20:59:49 
i have been thinking and i want there to be a concial in RD so that we are not so disorganized first i want to make a high concial this concial will deal with clan matches, tourmements, talk about and fix problems in RD, and try to get ideas on how to make RD better. next i want another concial and mid concial this concial will deal with recruting people into RD, make a vote topic for people to vote on people who want in RD, keep tabs on RD members, and keep track of how many members are in RD

now i want 5 people to be in the high concial me and josh are going to be in the high concial so i need 3 more people that are responsible and have good leadership skills to join the high concial

I need 4 people in the mid concial these people need to be considernt and kind

so any RD member how thinkhe or she has these atributes can volinter to join the RD councial

(RD)cool{L} 8)
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Profile - magic cool

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Novice Novice

23 January 2003

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01 July 2005
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Status:blorgh - Offline
Posted on 03 February 2003 at 21:28:52 
well cool sounds like a good idea id like to offer to go as a mid but im still not in yet... [zzz]
"the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bast@&# die for his
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Profile - blorgh

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Novice Novice

03 January 2003

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03 January 2003
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Status:CanadianMafia - Offline
Posted on 08 February 2003 at 09:29:16 
Council eh?? sounds like a cool idea count me in ;) if i could make it in to high council sure, but if i cant hoppfully i can get into mid council PEACE
Allways remember there'll b a mafia were every u go.
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Profile - CanadianMafia Send Mail - CanadianMafia Instant Menssage to - CanadianMafia

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magic cool
Rookie Rookie

02 January 2003

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02 September 2005
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Status:magic cool - Offline
Posted on 08 February 2003 at 15:02:00 
ok mafia then u will be part of the high council
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Profile - magic cool

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Novice Novice

03 January 2003

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03 January 2003
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Status:CanadianMafia - Offline
Posted on 08 February 2003 at 20:29:28 
kool thx well i'll c ya in a bit
Allways remember there'll b a mafia were every u go.
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Novice Novice

23 January 2003

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01 July 2005
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Status:blorgh - Offline
Posted on 14 February 2003 at 19:20:20 
well like i said in my last message here id want to be a mid council guy so that i could make sure that new recruits could get their answers faster than it is taking me to get mine.... but i cant since NO ONE HAS VOTED YES OR NOOOOOOO.... except for canadian and cool... n e way i await the answer of my being recruited or decruited for the clan first then ill post here if i actually get in b 4 the spots are taken [zzz]
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Profile - blorgh

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Novice Novice

23 January 2003

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01 July 2005
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Status:blorgh - Offline
Posted on 18 February 2003 at 20:21:00 
well i think id like to be a part of the high council but it seems like a mid counicil is vital here so i dont know what to do if there is any way for me to mediate the 2 id like to do something like that... put me down for a mid but if you need a high write me up i got plenty of free time so im sure i could do both if necissary [feu] 8)
"the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bast@&# die for his
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Profile - blorgh

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magic cool
Rookie Rookie

02 January 2003

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02 September 2005
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Status:magic cool - Offline
Posted on 18 February 2003 at 20:46:27 
well ok i will put u in the mid councial and mabye the high councial if we are having problems getting people to join the high councial
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Profile - magic cool

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Novice Novice

03 January 2003

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03 January 2003
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Status:CanadianMafia - Offline
Posted on 20 February 2003 at 07:57:21 
whats with the E match and about HC should we have some kinda meeting or something on MSN or the one u have i forget whats its called i could ezly dl probably though... i was just wondering cause i no GM use to have clan matches every Saturday id like to do this for this clan so people would get in shape cause every one wants to b in the matches well were along way for every having matches every weekend because no one can come to the 1 we have like every month so if u want to have matches shape up RD...i didnt make the match either so im also to blame....P.S. i broke my leg though so i got a accus ;)
Allways remember there'll b a mafia were every u go.
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Profile - CanadianMafia Send Mail - CanadianMafia Instant Menssage to - CanadianMafia

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magic cool
Rookie Rookie

02 January 2003

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02 September 2005
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Status:magic cool - Offline
Posted on 20 February 2003 at 21:11:54 
yeah every once and a while RD high councial will meet on aol instent messenger so if u don't have it download it and mid councial with also have meetings
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Profile - magic cool
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