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Video - Ships Database - EVE-Online

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Description (*) Name: Harpy
Hull: Merlin Class
Role: Assault Ship

Already possessing a reputation despite its limited initial circulation, the Harpy is a powerful railgun platform with long range capability and strong defensive systems. Formidable both one-on-one and as a support ship, it was referred to as the "little Moa" by the pilots who participated in its safety and performance testing.

Developer: Ishukone

Ishukone created the Harpy as a long-range support frigate for defense of Ishukone holdings as well as increased muscle and visibility in the constantly shifting game of cold war the Caldari megacorps' police forces play amongst themselves.

Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range, 15% bonus to Shield and Armor Thermal Resistance and 10% bonus to Shield and Armor Kinetic Resistance per level

Assault Ships Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range and 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage per level  

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)
Description (*) Name: Hawk
Hull: Merlin Class
Role: Assault Ship

Following in the footsteps of Caldari vessels since time immemorial, the Hawk relies on tremendously powerful shield systems to see it through combat, blending launchers and turrets to provide for a powerful, well-rounded combat vessel.

Developer: Lai Dai

Lai Dai have always favored a balanced approach to their mix of on-board systems, leading to a line-up of versatile ships but providing very little in terms of tactical specialization.

Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Missile Kinetic Damage, 15% bonus to Shield and Armor Thermal resistance and 10% bonus to Shield and Armor Kinetic resistance per level

Assault Ships Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to missile velocity and 5% bonus to shield boost amount per level  

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