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Video - Ships Database - EVE-Online

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Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Abandon' Targeting Disruptor I 
Description (*) Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.    

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  'Abatis' 100mm Steel Plates I 
Description (*) Increases the maximum strength of the Armor.

Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.

Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.  

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Abatis' 100mm Steel Plates I Blueprint 
Description (*)    

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  'Accord' I Core Compensation 
Description (*) When activated this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ships warp core.    

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  'Acolyth' Signal Booster 
Description (*) Augments the maximum target acquisition range. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.    

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  'Alpha' Codebreaker I 
Description (*) A Hacking system used to override electronic security systems.    

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  'Alpha' Codebreaker I Blueprint 
Description (*)    

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  'Anointed' I EM Ward Reinforcement 
Description (*) Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.    

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  'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher 
Description (*) Launcher for cruisers, can only be fitted with light missiles, intended to counter fast frigates.    

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  'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I 
Description (*) A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I 
Description (*) A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While heavy assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher 
Description (*) Designed for long engagements between large ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large capacity and the ability to hold the heaviest missile types.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I 
Description (*) A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher 
Description (*) A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arbalest' Standard Missile Launcher 
Description (*) Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.    

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  'Arquebus' Heavy Beam Laser I 
Description (*) A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Can fit with frequency crystals to vary damage and range.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Arquebus' Heavy Beam Laser I Blueprint 
Description (*)    

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  'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer I 
Description (*) When activated this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ships warp core.    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer I Blueprint 
Description (*)    

Video Clip (*) Image  Name (*)5
  'Bailey' 1600mm Steel Plates I 
Description (*) Increases the maximum strength of the Armor.

Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.  

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